League of Legends - Xayah Champion Strategy and Item Build Guide

This page contains a champion character strategy guide for Xayah - The Rebel in League of Legends (LoL), including stats, skills and abilities, rune...


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Basic Information

Xayah – The Rebel
Class Marksman Role Marksman
Secondary Bar Mana IP / RP 6300 / 975

Champion Stats

Lv1 Per Lv Lv18
Health 545 +80
Health Regen 6 +0.75
Mana 340 +40
Mana Regen 8.25 +0.75
Attack Damage 56 +2.2
Armor 24 +3
Attack Speed 0.625 +3.3% 0.625
Magic Resist 30 +0.5 38.5
Movement Speed 325 325
Range 525 525


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Icon Description
Clean Cuts Icon

Lover's Leap Icon

Clean Cuts

INNATE: After casting an ability, Xayah’s next 3 basic attacks penetrate all enemies along their path, dealing 100% damage to her main target and 50% pass-through damage to other enemies. At her maximum attack range, a Feather will be left in the ground for 6 seconds. Xayah can store up to 5 empowered attacks.

LOVER’S LEAP: If either Xayah or Rakan is recalling, the other may move nearby and activate their own recall to join them. Both reach base at the time of which the initiator’s recall ends.

Double Daggers Icon Double Daggers
(Target Range: 1100, Cost: 50 Mana, Cooldown: 10/9/8/7/6, Damage Per Knife: 40/60/80/100/120 [+50% Bonus AD])ACTIVE: After a brief wind-up, Xayah hurls two feather-blades in quick succession in the target direction, and leaving 2 Feathers on the ground at maximum range. The feather-blades deal physical damage to all enemies they pass through, reduced to 50% against units beyond the first.
 Deadly Plumage Icon Deadly Plumage
(Cost: 60/55/50/45/40 Mana, Cooldown: 20/19/18/17/16, Bonus Attack Speed: 30/35/40/50%)ACTIVE: Xayah surrounds herself with a storm of feathers-blades for 4 seconds, granting her bonus attack speed. Additionally, her basic attacks hurl lesser bolts from the storm, dealing 20% bonus physical damage to her target and granting 30% bonus movement speed for 1.5 seconds against champion. If Rakan is within 1000 units of Xayah, he will also gain Deadly Plumage, in turn causing each of their attacks to conjure a second lesser bolt from the other’s storm and each will grant both of them bonus movement speed.
Bladecaller Icon Bladecaller
(Effect Radius: Global, Cost: 40 Mana, Cooldown: 12/11/10/9/8, Base Physical Damage: 50/60/70/80/90 [+60% Bonus AD])
ACTIVE: Xayah recalls all her Feathers, dealing physical damage to enemies they strike on their way toward her, increasing by 0% – 50% (based on critical chance). Minions take 50% damage. Each Feather to strike a target deals 10% less damage than the last, with a minimum of 10% damage. Enemies struck by 3 or more Feathers are rooted for 1 second.
Featherstorm Icon Featherstorm
(Target Range: 1100, Cost: 80/90/100 Mana, Cooldown: 140/125/110, Physical Damage: 100/150/200 [+100% Bonus AD])
ACTIVE: Xayah leaps into the air, becoming untargetable for 1.5 seconds but still able to move. After a short delay, she unleashes a volley of feather-blades forward in a cone, dealing physical damage to all enemies struck and leaving a line of 5 Feathers at the end of Featherstorm’s maximum range.


Bot Lane

  • Try to pick Xayah immediately as your ADR if your support is Rakan as some of their skills become more effective when they are both on the battlefield.
  • Build items that increase your critical strike damage as it compliments (E) Bladecaller. 
  • (R) Featherstorm is one of the Xayah skills you have to master since it has great outplay potential. Time it to when you think the enemy will cast a fatal blow on you in order to negate its damage and even turn the fight in your favor.
  • Try to spread out your feathers as much as possible behind your enemies. Three recalled feathers will root your enemy with (E) Bladecaller.
  • Be careful when using (R) Featherstorm prematurely. This skill can save you in some instances because you will be untargetable for a second, avoiding all skills that will be thrown at you. Using it incorrectly will cause you to lose your only disengage skill.

Runes & Masteries


Summoner Spells

Mid Lane
Flash Icon Heal icon
Flash Heal

Item Build

Bot Lane

Starter Items
Doran's Blade icon Health potion icon Warding totem icon
Doran’s Blade Health Potion Warding Totem


Core Items
Essence reaver icon Rapid Firecannon Icon Infinity Edge Icon
Essence Reaver Rapid Firecannon Infinity Edge

Essence Reaver – Essence Reaver is Xayah’s main item. This is due to the fact it gives her good Attack Damage and critical strike chance stats. Furthermore, each time her attacks do critical damage, she replenishes a portion of her mana. This is extremely beneficial for her since she often spams (Q) Double Daggers and (W) Deadly Plummage, as well as (E) Bladecaller to maximize her damage output.

Rapid Firecannon – Another staple item for Xayah, Rapid Firecannon gives her great bonus Attack Speed, as well as critical strike chance. Moreover, once she gets full stacks, she gains additional attack range. This is important, since she works best when she is able to bombard enemies with her auto attacks and feathers from a distance.

Infinity Edge – Infinity Edge caps off her core item list. This item, coupled with the aformentioned Rapid Firecannon and Essence Reaver, turns her into a high-damage dealing carry. Infinity Edge grants her bonus Attack Damage and increased Critical Strike chance.

Main Items
Berserker's Greaves icon Essence reaver icon Rapid Firecannon Icon
Berserker’s Greaves Essence Reaver Rapid Firecannon
Infinity Edge Icon Lord dominiks regards icon Guardian angel icon
Infinity Edge Lord Dominik’s Regards Guardian Angel

Berserker’s Greaves – A standard boots upgrade for ADCs, Berserker’s Greaves increases your Attack and movement speed. This allows you to position yourself during clashes, as well as throw down against opponents.

Lord Dominik’s Regards – Lord Dominik’s Regards is a great item to deal with tanky and health-stacking champions. This item gains bonus damage to enemies who have higher health than you. Moreover, this item also grants you with decent armor penetration.

Guardian Angel – Guardian Angel wraps up Xayah’s full item build. This item is a staple for ADCs, since it gives good bonus Attack Damage and armor. More importantly, it resurrects you in the event that you take lethal damage.

Situational Items
Phantom dancer icon Mercurial Schimitar icon The Bloodthirster
Phantom Dancer  Mercurial Scimitar The Bloodthirster

Phantom Dancer – Getting this item increases your dueling power. This is because Phantom Dancer provides great bonus Attack Speed, movement speed, critical strike chance, as well as a passive that diminishes the daamge of the last enemy champion you hit with your basic attacks.

Mercurial Scimitar – Another good alternative to Guardian Angel, Mercurial Scimitar grants you good Attack Damage and magic resistance. Furthermore, this item has an active skill that removes all debuffs from you. In certain cases, getting this item is better than Guardian Angel.

The Bloodthirster – Finally, if you feel that you need to have sustained lifesteal during clashes and duels, get The Bloodthirster. This item grants bonus Attack Damage, as well as good lifesteal from your auto attacks.

Playing Against

  • Xayah can dodge any skill with (R) Featherstorm. Be sure that you save all your finishers and burst so that you can kill her immediately after she uses her ultimate.
  • Be always on the move when facing Xayah as her feathers are what makes her a very strong ADC. Always stay away from her feathers and don’t go in front of it to avoid yourself from getting rooted or killed in an instant.
  • Although she is a pain offensively, she is very squishy when caught out. Prioritize her in team fights and don’t let her stack her feathers in the ground.

Hard Counters

  • Kalista – Kalista is a dangerous opponent for Xayah, especially when during late game. She is exceptional at dueling, with her Rend and Pierce making short order of any squishy carries.
  • Miss Fortune – Mis Fortune excels in dealing damage in the lane using enemy minions. She usually whittles down Xayah with Double Up, then slows her down with Make it Rain then finishes her off with Bullet Time.
  • Draven – Draven is an exceptional ADC who gets to proc critical strikes each time he tags Xayah with Spinning Axe. In the event that she tries to escape, he can cast Stand Aside to stop her and finish her off with an empowered auto attack.

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