Deadman Character Information
Deadman A man affiliated with Bridges. Not much is known about Deadman other than the fact he got his likeness from Guillermo Del Toro, a director most known for making dark fantasy films such as [ … ]
Deadman A man affiliated with Bridges. Not much is known about Deadman other than the fact he got his likeness from Guillermo Del Toro, a director most known for making dark fantasy films such as [ … ]
Heartman Heartman is a researcher for Bridges who analyzes the possible causes and effects of the death stranding, a strange phenomenon that brought the beached things to Earth. He has a condition where his heart [ … ]
Equipment in Death Stranding Various trailers and gameplay demos for Death Stranding revealed an assortment of familiar and futuristic tools to survive while exploring its vast open world. We listed down all weapons, armor, tools, [ … ]
Mama An affiliate of Bridges, Mama has a beached thing daughter born from “the other side.” She and her daughter are connected through an ethereal umbilical cord which traps her inside the Bridges compound. This [ … ]
Overview Homo Demens, latin for mad man, is a group that consists of militant separatists. The group strives to uphold Edge Knot City’s independence and consequently are in direct opposition to the United Cities of [ … ]
Amelie Amelie is an admin of the UCA (United Cities of America) who intends to unify the different cities in America and help them prosper as she becomes the next president of the UCA. In [ … ]
Higgs Higgs is one of the antagonists in Death Stranding and a member of the Homo Demens, a militant separatist group. He is also known as the “Man in the Golden Mask.” Higgs has the [ … ]
Die-Hardman An intimidating figure with a black skull mask, Die-Hardman is the commander of Bridges, the company that Sam works for. After the Homo Demens captured Amelie, Die-Hardman convinces Sam to continue Amelie’s mission to [ … ]
Cliff Otherwise known as the Mysterious Soldier, Cliff is the antagonist and serves as Sam’s rival. Cliff has the power to command skeletal soldiers to do his bidding. He is a heavy smoker. In the [ … ]
Mules Death Stranding will pit players against various types of enemies, ranging from terrorists and amorphous beings to those afflicted with strange conditions. Among these is a group called the Mules which will regularly ambush [ … ]
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