Great Girros Monster Guide
Great Girros Great Girros is the alpha male of the Girros that inhabit the Rotten Vale. It commonly hunts in packs of lesser Girros to overwhelm its prey. Great Girros’ fangs contain potent venom that [ … ]
Great Girros Great Girros is the alpha male of the Girros that inhabit the Rotten Vale. It commonly hunts in packs of lesser Girros to overwhelm its prey. Great Girros’ fangs contain potent venom that [ … ]
Rathian Dubbed the “Queen of the Land,” Rathian is the fierce female counterpart to Rathalos. It mainly inhabits the Ancient Forest and Coral Highlands. Rathian are extremely protective of their eggs and are angered with [ … ]
Odogaron The hound-like Odogaron is a vicious predator that commonly dwells in the Rotten Vale. It feeds on carcasses that it drags to its lair. Odogaron’s sharp claws can easily tear through flesh and hide, [ … ]
Barroth Barroth is a brute wyvern that inhabits Wildspire Waste. It has a tough crown-like formation on its skull to crush or plow through enemies and obstacles. Barroth is fond of muddy areas and can [ … ]
Kulu-Ya-Ku Kulu-Ya-Ku is a mischievous bird-like monster that is usually found in the Ancient Forest and Wildspire Waste. It seems to be fond of round objects, often stealing Rathian eggs from their nests. When threatened, [ … ]
Great Jagras Great Jagras is a large lizard-like monster that is known for eating live prey. It inhabits the Ancient Forest and attacks unsuspecting hunters with the aid of lesser Jagras. After devouring its meal, [ … ]
Rathalos Rathalos, known as the “King of the Skies,” is an aerial predator normally found in the Ancient Forest. It hunts its prey by swooping in from the air and grabbing them with its powerful [ … ]
Nergigante Nergigante is an extremely violent elder dragon that inhabits Elder’s Recess. It is known to feed on other elder dragons, giving it the nickname “Eater of Elders.” Various spikes protrude from its body that [ … ]
Overview The ice tusk wyvern Barioth has multiple spikes covering its forelimbs, neck, and spine. It has a cat-like appearance and is distinguished by its two massive amber tusks. Barioth uses its powerful tail to [ … ]
Cartilage Blaster (Rarity 9) Image Coming Soon Stats Weapon Type Heavy Bowgun Attack Power 405 Elemental Damage – Affinity – Defense Bonus – Shot Deviation Average Customization Wyvernsnipe Mod, Special Scope, Reload Assist, Shield Special [ … ]
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