Camping Ingredients
Overview Camping ingredients are items used for cooking curry at the Pokemon Camp. These items are stored in the eighth pouch of the bag, labeled as Ingredients. Having access to a wide range of camping [ … ]
Overview Camping ingredients are items used for cooking curry at the Pokemon Camp. These items are stored in the eighth pouch of the bag, labeled as Ingredients. Having access to a wide range of camping [ … ]
Overview The battle tower in the Galar region is a facility that hosts offline battles. However, you can’t take part in battles unless you have a team. Fortunately, you can talk to the guy at [ … ]
Overview Catching Pokemon often takes time since the Galar region contains over 400 different species. Here, we take a look at some tricks on how to unlock PC boxes faster. The Pokemon Storage System The [ … ]
Battle Tower Guide for Challenger Leon Recommended Pokemon Fire: Cinderace, Arcanine, Ninetales, Flareon, Charizard, Centiskorch, Coalossal, Salazzle, Chandelure, Torkoal Dark: Thievul, Grimmsnarl, Obstagoon, Umbreon, Sableye, Hydreigon, Weavile, Bisharp, Scrafty, Liepard, Pangoro Fairy: Gardevoir, Hatterene, Sylveon, [ … ]
Battle Tower Guide for Trainer Ajani Recommended Pokemon Electric: Boltund, Manectric, Jolteon, Raichu, Vikavolt, Toxtricity Ice: Lapras, Weavile, Mr. Rime, Glaceon, Vanilluxe, Delibird, Mamoswine, Froslass, Glalie, Abomasnow, Cloyster, Beartic Grass: Rillaboom, Eldegoss, Leafeon, Ludicolo, Tsareena, [ … ]
Battle Tower Guide for Trainer Agila Recommended Pokemon Rock: Drednaw, Coalossal, Gigalith, Shuckle, Barbaracle, Sudowoodo, Rhyperior, Lunatone, Solrock, Tyranitar Fire: Cinderace, Arcanine, Ninetales, Flareon, Charizard, Centiskorch, Coalossal, Salazzle, Chandelure, Torkoal Poison: Eternatus, Toxtricity, Toxapex, Galarian [ … ]
Battle Tower Guide for Trainer Adrienne Recommended Pokemon Grass: Rillaboom, Eldegoss, Leafeon, Ludicolo, Tsareena, Vileplume, Ferrothorn, Shiftry, Roserade, Whimsicott Electric: Boltund, Manectric, Jolteon, Raichu, Vikavolt, Toxtricity Flying: Cinderace, Corviknight, Noivern, Gyarados, Unfezant, Braviary Rock: Drednaw, [ … ]
Overview Max moves are high-powered moves that can be used by dynamaxed Pokemon. For three turns, a dynamaxed Pokemon’s moves become max moves. The type of max move relies on its own moveset. Here, we [ … ]
Overview The catching charm is a key item in the Galar region. It permanently raises the trainer’s chance of landing a critical capture when catching wild Pokemon. Where to find the Catching charm Fly to [ … ]
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