League of Legends - Taric Champion Strategy and Item Build Guide

This page contains a champion character strategy guide for Taric - The Shield of Valoran in League of Legends (LoL), including stats, skills and...


Champions list
Tanks Fighters Slayers
Mages Supports Marksmen



Basic Information

Champion Stats

Lv1 Per Lv Lv18
Health  575 +90 2105
Health Regen 6 +0.5 14.5
Mana 300 +60 1320
Mana Regen 5 +1 22
Attack Damage 55 +3.5 115
Armor 25 +3.4 82.8
Attack Speed 0.625 +2.02% 0.625
Magic Resist 32.1 +1.25 53.4
Movement Speed 340 340
Melee 150 150


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Icon Description
INNATE: Spellcasts empower Taric’s next 2 basic attacks to deal bonus magic damage, reduce his spell cooldowns, and attack in quick succession.
Starlight’s Touch
(Effect Radius: 325, Cost: 60/80/100/120/140 Mana + All Charges, Recharge Time: 15)
ACTIVE & PASSIVE: Spends all charges to heal nearby allied champions for 20/30/40/50/60 (+20% Ability Power) (+1.5% bonus health) per charge, up to 60/90/120/150/180 (+60% Ability Power) (+1.5% bonus health) at 3 charges. Bravado-empowered attacks reduce this recharge time by 0 additional seconds.

(Target Range: 800, Cost: 60 Mana, Cooldown: 15)
PASSIVE: Bastion increases Armor by 0 (10/12.5/15/17.5/20% of Taric’s Armor).
ACTIVE: Blesses an ally with Bastion and shields them for 8/9/10/11/12% of their maximum Health for 2.5 seconds. Bastion lasts on the target until a new one is chosen.
(Target Range: 575, Collision Radius: 70, Cost: 60 Mana, Cooldown: 15)
ACTIVE: Readies a beam of starlight that, after 1 second, deals 60/105/150/195/240 (+50% Ability Power) (+30% bonus armor) magic damage and stuns enemies for 1/1.125/1.25/1.375/1.5 second(s).
Cosmic Radiance
(Effect Radius: 400, Cost: 100 Mana, Cooldown: 160/130/100)
ACTIVE: After a 2.5 second delay, pulses cosmic energy onto nearby allied champions, making them invulnerable for 2.5 seconds.


  • Taric excels in sustained skirmishes and keeping his teammates alive during team fights. Make sure you place your (W) Bastion skill onto one of your carries (either your team’s ADC or Mage), as it makes them more tanky, and ensures that they get healed with your (Q) Starlight’s Touch and your (R) Cosmic Radiance ultimate.
  • You can use your passive Bravado as a harassing tool against the enemy laners. A sample combo starts with you hitting the opposing laner with your (E) Dazzle, which is then followed up with two auto attacks. Once your second auto attack hits, you can cast (W) Bastion to yourself to activate your passive again, and wallop the enemy for more damage. Of course, being a Tank Support, your priority is always to keep your ADC alive and ahead on the Creep Score.
  • Offensively, you can place Taric’s (W) Bastion onto your team’s Setters or Initiators. His (E) Dazzle ability gains increased range and has the potential to stun multiple targets in a line.
  • Time your (R) Cosmic Radiance properly. Given that Taric’s ultimate takes a couple of seconds before it activates, you should be on your toes when using it, especially during clashes and team fights. Also, be aware of your position when using your ultimate – always stick to as many allies as possible so that your whole team benefits from (R) Cosmic Radiance.
  • Remember that Taric’s (Q) Starlight’s Touch heals champions within your vicinity, as well as the champion that has (W) Bastion, and you can re-cast your (W) Bastion to your lane partner. Use this to your advantage, especially during skirmishes.
  • Taric’s skills scale with Armor and Health. As such, it is wise to buy Support items that bolster Taric’s Armor and Health such as Knight’s Vow, Sightstone, Face of the Mountain, Locket of the Iron Solari, etc.

Runes & Masteries


Summoner Spells

Mid Lane
Flash Exhaust

Flash – Timing is essential to Taric: from casting a crucial (Q) Starlight’s Touch to a dying champion, stunning a high-priority target with (E) Dazzle, to making sure you capture most of your teammates with your (R) Cosmic Radiance. Having Flash as your Summoner Spell is truly handy in most situations.

Item builds


Starter Items
Relic Shield Total Biscuit of Rejuvenation x3 Warding Totem

Core Items

Core Items
Redemption icon
Face of the Mountain Locket of the Iron Solari Redemption
Frozen Heart

Face of the Mountain – Face of the Mountain increases your health, base health regeneration, and cooldown reduction. T he passive also grants you a shield when you are out of combat, synergizing well with (W) Bastion. 

Locket of the Iron Solari – Locket of the Iron Solari grants everyone near you a shield based on your health, which is good since Taric has a high armor and health scaling.

Redemption – Redemption is typically a standard build for supports as the active AoE heal can be a game changer. The added stats such as base health and mana regeneration allows him to tank in team fights or spam abilities.

Frozen Heart – This defensive item adds armor, mana, and another cooldown reduction to your stats, empowering the passive of (W) Bastion. This item also helps if the enemy has a lot of champions who rely on their attack speed for their damage output.

Full Item Build

Full Item Build
Face of the Mountain Frozen Heart Locket of the Iron Solari
Redemption icon
Knight’s Vow Mercury Treads Redemption

Knight’s Vow – Knight’s Vow caps your cooldown reduction while giving you more health and armor. The passive also fits perfectly with (W) Bastion, giving you and your partner offensive and defensive benefits when you are together.

Mercury’s Treads – Mercury’s Treads is the perfect boots upgrade for Taric so that you can position your (E) Dazzle effectively while negating slows and stuns from the enemy team.

Situational Items
Zeke's Convergence Icon
Randuin’s Omen Zeke’s Convergence Ardent Censer
Zz'Rot Portal icon
Zz’Rot Portal

Randuin’s Omen – This item greatly bolsters Taric’s armor and health, as well as granting him another soft crowd control with this item’s active spell that slows down enemies in a small area and its passive that reduces opposing champions’ attack speed.

Zeke’s Convergence – A good choice to build when you feel you need to dish out more crowd control during team fights. Its active works well with (R) Cosmic Radiance, as it renders your enemies more susceptible to damage, while your team is invulnerable for a couple of seconds.

Ardent Censer – This item lets your heals become more valuable, as it adds an attack speed buff to healed allied champions. ADCs in particular will benefit greatly from this item.

Zz’Rot Portal – If you feel your team needs to have some lane pressure (i.e pushing the lanes), you can opt to get this for your team. This item has nice stats and gives decent armor to further increase your skills’ potency.

Playing Against

  • Taric offers heals and shields for his lane partner. But his mana regen is not that sufficient yet, especially early game. It is best to poke him and his ADC so that he is forced to use his skills and mana.
  • Taric is vulnerable whenever he misses his (E) Dazzle skill. Make sure you take advantage of this.
  • Armor Penetration items such as Black Cleaver and Last Whisper, as well as items that deal %health damage such as Blade of the Ruined King, Mortal Reminder and Lord Dominik’s Regards are useful against Taric
  • (R) Cosmic Radiance has a small window before it activates. During clashes, you can opt to burst down high priority targets such as their enemy carries before Taric’s ultimate procs, or if it does activate, disengage from the battle and wait for the buff to wear off, then you continue with the clash (provided that your team still has the advantage).

Hard Counter

  • Varus – His skills inflict Grevious Wounds that render your heals less effective. Be careful not to spam your heals when against a Varus. Use them when he spends his skills.
  • Sivir – Her Spell Shield can negate Taric’s (E) Dazzle skill, which in turn, can lead her to punish him for trying to engage her during the laning phase.
  • Lulu – Lulu has consistent long-range damage and pokes, as well as single and multi-target crowd controls in Whimsy and Glitterlance. Her ultimate, Wild Growth, coupled with Help, Pix! provides ample shielding for her ADC.
  • Morgana – A well-placed Dark Binding will leave your engage attempt thwarted, not to mention her Black Shield is a fail-safe that negates your (E) Dazzle skill to stun her ADC.
  • Nami – Finally, we have Nami. Her Aqua Prison can be cast to dissuade you from engaging, as it has the potential to stun multiple targets. She also has a heal-and-deal damage spell in Ebb and Flow, which she can cast to harass you and your lane partner. Her ultimate, Tidal Wave, knocks back and slows any enemy champions caught in its torrent.

Strategy Video


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