League of Legends - Viktor Champion Strategy and Item Build Guide

This page contains a champion character strategy guide for Viktor – The Machine Herald in League of Legends (LoL), including stats, skills and abilities...


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Viktor Champion Strategy and Item Build Guide

Basic Information

Viktor – The Machine Herald
Class Mage Role Battlemage
Secondary Bar Mana IP/RP 4800 / 880

Champion Stats

Lv1 Per Lv Lv18
Health  516.01 +78 1842
Health Regen 7.84 +0.65 18.9
Mana 324 +50 1174
Mana Regen 6 +0.8 19.6
Attack Damage 52.04 +3 103
Armor 22.72 +4 90.7
Attack Speed 0.658 +2% 0.658
Magic Resist 30 +0.5 38.5
Movement Speed 335 335
Range 525 525


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Icon Description
Glorious Evolution

Viktor starts with the Prototype Hex Core that can be upgraded three times in the store to augment his abilities.

Siphon Power
(Target Range: 600, Speed: 2000, Cost: 45/50/55/60/65 Mana, Cooldown: 8/7/6/5/4, Magic Damage: 60/80/100/120/140 [+40% AP], Discharge Damage: 20/40/60/80/100 [+100% AD] [+50% AP])ACTIVE: Viktor blasts an enemy unit, dealing 60/80/100/120/140 (+40% Ability Power) magic damage while granting Viktor a shield that absorbs up to 0 (+0) damage over the next 2.5 seconds.Viktor’s next basic attack deals 20/40/60/80/100 (+50% Ability Power) bonus magic damage.AUGMENT – TURBOCHARGE: Viktor gains 30% Movement Speed for 2.5 seconds.
Gravity Field
(Target Range: 700, Cost: 65 Mana, Cooldown: 17/16/15/14/13, Slow: 28/32/36/40/44%)ACTIVE: Viktor deploys a gravitational imprisonment device for 4 seconds, slowing enemy units by 28/32/36/40/44% and adding a stack every 0.5 seconds. At 3 stacks the target is stunned for 1.5 seconds.AUGMENT – IMPLOSION: Enemies stunned by Gravity Field are dragged to the center.
Death Ray
(Target Range: 525, Speed: 1350, Cost: 70/80/90/100/110 Mana, Cooldown: 13/12/11/10/9, Magic Damage: 70/110/150/190/230 [+50% AP], Aftershock Magic Damage: 20/60/100/140/180 [+70% AP])ACTIVE: Viktor uses his robotic arm to fire a chaos beam that cuts across the field in a line, dealing 70/110/150/190/230 (+50% Ability Power) magic damage to every enemy in its path.AUGMENT – AFTERSHOCK: An explosion follows the Death Ray’s wake, dealing 20/60/100/140/180 (+70% Ability Power) magic damage.

Chaos Storm
(Target Range: 700, Cost: 100 Mana, Cooldown 120/110/100, Magic Damage: 100/175/250 [+50% AP], Magic Damage Per Tick: 150/250/350 [+60% AP])Viktor conjures a singularity at target location, dealing 100/175/250 (+50% Ability Power)magic damage and interrupting enemy channels.Viktor can redirect the singularity for 6.5 seconds, which will discharge 150/250/350 (+60% Ability Power) magic damage every 2 seconds to nearby enemies. The singularity will move slower as it attempts to move farther away from Viktor.AUGMENT – VELOCITY: Chaos Storm moves 20% faster.


Mid Lane

  • Viktor has a lot of burst potential considering that almost all of his skills deal damage and scales well. In addition to that, his CC is an AOE slow that can even stun as well.
  • Viktor’s (Q) Siphon Power not only deals damage but creates a shield around you. You can use this to your advantage at  harassing heroes since you can absorb the damage that they will throw at you giving you an upper-hand at exchanging pokes.
  • (W) Gravity Field is not only a CC to kill your opponents but it can be used defensively as well. You can prevent ganks by positioning it properly to delay your ganker and even disable them. You can also use this ability to escape pursuing champions.
  • Try to gank as much as possible since he synergizes with teamfights well. With proper CC from his allies, they can delete the champions they gank easily.
  • Cast (R) Chaos Storm when the enemies are clumped together for maximum damage.
  • Prioritize upgrading his Prototype Hex Core since this is an item that can upgrade his basic spells which is the very core of his item build.

Runes & Masteries


Summoner Spells

Mid Lane
 Flash Icon  Ignite icon
Flash Ignite

Item Builds

Mid Lane

Starter Items
Dorans ring icon Health potion icon Warding totem icon
Doran’s Ring Health Potion Warding Totem


Core Items
Perfect hex Core icon Lich bane icon Void staff icon
Perfect Hex Core Lich Bane Void Staff

Perfect Hex Core – A typical Viktor build path sees players rush the Hex Core into its final form. This is because this exclusive item grants his skills additional effects which greatly helps his damage output in duels and team fights. For instance, getting the Perfect Hex Core gives (Q) Siphon Power an additional movement speed buff whenever he casts it on an enemy champion; (W) Gravity Field sucks in enemies in its center after a couple of seconds; (E) Death Ray has an added explosion after the initial cast, and (R) Chaos Storm has increased movement speed.

Lich Bane – Lich Bane synergizes well with Viktor since he often spams his skills. Specifically, (Q) Siphon Power and (E) Death Ray complement Spellblade well, empowering Viktor’s auto attack each time he casts these skills.

Void Staff – This item greatly increases Viktor’s damage output, especially during team fights. Stats-wise, Void Staff gives good bonus Ability Power. Furthermore, it also grants Viktor’s skills bonus magic penetration which lets him deal massive damage to squishy targets.

Main Items
Perfect hex Core icon Lich bane icon Void staff icon
Perfect Hex Core Lich Bane Void Staff
Morellonomicon icon Sorcerers shoes icon Banshees veil icon
Morellonomicon Sorcerer’s Shoes Banshee’s Veil

Morellonomicon – This item further makes Viktor a threat during team fights. This is because this item inflicts Grievous Wounds to enemies who have low health, further mitigating any healing they might have. As an item, it also benefits Viktor with bonus Ability Power, cooldown reduction and mana replenishment each time he kills or nets and assist.

Sorcerer’s Shoes – A standard boots upgrade for mages, Sorcerer’s Shoes grants Viktor good movement speed and magic penetration. This empowers his skills against squishy enemies who do not stack magic resistance items.

Banshee’s Veil – Banshee’s Veil is a good defensive item for Viktor, since he is often the primary target for enemy disables. This item gives good Ability Power and cooldown reduction. Moreover, it gives him a protective spell shield that blocks the first enemy skill and negates its crowd control.

Situational Items
Zhonyas hourglass icon Rabadons deathcap icon
Zhonya’s Hourglass Rabadon’s Deathcap

Zhonya’s Hourglass – Alternatively, Zhonya’s Hourglass is a good substitute for Banshee’s Veil for your defensive item. This gives Viktor good bonus Ability Power and armor. Furthermore, it gives him an active skill that puts him stasis that makes him immune to any disable.

Rabadon’s Deathcap – Another standard mage item, Rabadon’s Deathcap grants Viktor massive Ability Power that significantly increases his damaging skills’ potency.

Playing Against

  • Move as much as possible to avoid being hit by (E) Death Ray, (W) Gravity Field and (R) Chaos Storm.
  • Remember that his (W) Gravity Field can slow and stun you so be careful when you decide to chase him as he can turn the gank around you.
  • Be wary when Viktor upgrades his Hex Core – often times, this means that one of his skills will have an additional effect.
  • When you kill Viktor, remember that (R) Chaos Storm will still damage you even if its in place. As such, make it a point to clear the premises to avoid being damaged further.

Hard Counter

  • Brand – Brand has long range skills so he can poke and out-lane Viktor. For example, Pillar of Flame can be casted at a safe range where Brand can zone Viktor. Once he hits Viktor with a skill, Sear will stun him, leaving him open for massive damage.
  • Zed – Zed specializes in mobility and harass in-lane, and can dodge Viktor’s spells since he has Living Shadow which he can use to swap positions with his shadow. Once Viktor exhausts his skills, Zed is more than capable of closing into him and deal the killing blow with Death Mark, Razor Shuriken and Shadow Slash.
  • Ziggs – Ziggs excels at long-range skill-spamming, thanks to his Bouncing Bombs. Once he whittles down Viktor to low health, he can close the gap with Satchel Charge, litter the lane with Hexplosive Minefield, bursting him down with Mega Inferno Bomb.

Strategy Video


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