Mirror’s edge catalyst:Mission10″Fly Trap”



①Find the Icarus (Video 0:10 ~)

Little proceeds from the starting point, I jumped on top of the cushion. Then we meet the wire mesh over Icarus.

②Traced The power cable(video 0:39 ~)

We will follow the glowing power cable.

③Stop the power (video 1:38 ~)

Beyond the wire mesh, drop the breaker.

④Returning to the roof (video 1:46 ~)

UP the inside of the elevator shaft.

You enter from the top of the elevator in the it.

⑤Go back to the hideout (video 2:51 ~)

Return to the transportation hub.

⑥Search for Noah (video 4:09 ~)

Look for the back of the open and the window of the hideout.

⑦Defeat Kruger Sec (video 4:28 ~)

Springboard jump, falling from a high place, let’s defeat the enemy in the light traverse attack to use, such as a wall run.

Try to focus gauge continues to move does not turn off.

It is the end of combat defeat the Kruger sex of the Hunter class.

⑧Escape from the tracking of enemy (video 10:29 ~)

Upon reaching the destination is a mission completed. Try to focus gauge is not cut and continued to run.

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