Pokemon Sword and Shield - Item Effect Changes

Item Effect Changes

December 9, 2019 Rin Tohsaka 0

Overview There are many notable changes in Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield that take place in the overworld and in battle. Among them include changes in the effects of items. Below is a list of [ … ]

Pokemon Sword and Shield - Max Raid Battle

Unreleased Hidden Abilities

December 9, 2019 Rin Tohsaka 2

Overview Hidden abilities are recurring features which debuted since Generation 5. You can sometimes find Pokemon with Hidden Abilities in Max Raid battles. However, at the time of writing, some Pokemon can’t be obtained with [ … ]

Pokemon Sword and Shield - Pokemon Camp Guide

Friendship Evaluation

December 9, 2019 Rin Tohsaka 0

Overview What is Friendship? Friendship or also known as Happiness is a recurring feature in the games. Often used interchangeably, friendship affects certain factors such as evolution and damage output of some moves. In Sword [ … ]

No Picture

G-Max Move List

December 9, 2019 Rin Tohsaka 0

Overview G-Max moves are signature moves of Gigantamax Pokemon. Similar to max moves, these can be used repeatedly for three turns with each having its own unique effects. List of G-Max moves Move Learned by [ … ]

Pokemon Sword and Shield - Battle Tower Finley

Finley (Battle Tower) Post Game Guide

December 5, 2019 Pixel Jello 0

Battle Tower Guide for Trainer Schoolboy Finley Recommended Pokemon Ghost: Froslass, Golurk, Dusknoir, Gengar, Gourgeist, Chandelure, Shedninja Electric: Boltund, Manectric, Jolteon, Raichu, Vikavolt, Toxtricity Ice: Lapras, Weavile, Mr. Rime, Glaceon, Vanilluxe, Delibird, Mamoswine, Froslass, Glalie, [ … ]

Pokemon Sword and Shield - Battle Tower Clarence

Clarence (Battle Tower) Post Game Guide

December 5, 2019 Pixel Jello 0

Battle Tower Guide for Trainer Office Worker Clarence Recommended Pokemon Electric: Boltund, Manectric, Jolteon, Raichu, Vikavolt, Toxtricity Dragon: Eternatus, Goodra, Dragapult, Kommo-o, Hydreigon, Noivern, Flygon, Duraludon Fairy: Gardevoir, Hatterene, Sylveon, Grimmsnarl, Clefable, Mimikyu, Mr. Mime, [ … ]

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