Triangle Strategy - Leveling Guide

Leveling guide for Triangle Strategy, including best methods to farm experience fast, recommended missions to grind levels, recommended units, and other useful tips.

Triangle Strategy - Leveling Guide

Leveling Guide for Triangle Strategy

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How to Level Up

In Triangle Strategy, units level up after earning sufficient amounts of experience in battle. This is done by performing certain actions in battle such as attacking and using different skills. Leveling up is important as you progress through the game and take on more challenging foes such as bosses and high-ranking members of hostile factions.

Ways to Earn Experience

  • Attacking enemy units
  • Using unit skills, including offensive and support abilities

Tips for Leveling

Select units whose levels you want to raise.

Before deploying your units on the battlefield, sort out which ones you want to level up. Try to consider their survivability during the skirmish as well and determine whether you should have support units to keep them alive using healing skills. You should also bring a good stock of items to recover HP during emergency situations.

Perform tactical maneuvers that you you the advantage.

Tactically sound maneuvers such as attacking enemy units from behind, from a position that grants you a height advantage bonus, or from a range where the foe cannot counterattack makes it easier to route them. Most of these advantages situations will allow you to gain experience faster when grinding levels and will reward you with Kudos as well.

Fast Leveling Guide

Farm the enemy’s support units.

Taking out the enemy force’s more offense-focused units first allows you to farm their support units by surrounding them. From there, you can perform combat maneuvers to attack to deal damage without killing them. The enemy support units will constantly try to heal themselves so you can strike them again to earn more experience.

For your own support units, simply have them use their support skills to keep your own team alive or apply buffs and debuffs during the skirmish. Keep the fight going for as long as you want to grind levels and Kudos.

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