Triangle Strategy - Permanent Events

A list of all permanent events, unchangeable decisions, and points-of-no-return in Triangle Strategy to help you avoid making major mistakes during your playthrough.

Triangle Strategy - Permanent Events

Permanent Events in Triangle Strategy

Triangle Strategy features permanent events, unchangeable decisions, and points-of-no-return that you must take note to avoid making major mistakes during your playthrough.

Main Story Chapter Walkthroughs

Class changes cannot be undone.

Promoting a unit using medals cannot be reversed. This means that characters cannot revert back to their previous unit class nor can the medal used to upgrade them be retrieved. Because of this, decide carefully if you want to promote a unit to its next class before doing so.

How to Get Promotion Medals

Weapon upgrades are permanent.

The process of upgrading weapons at the Smithy also cannot be undone so any materials and coin used to reinforce them will be spent. Try to prioritize the weapons you want to improve to avoid wasting any items you have amassed throughout the game.

Missable Characters

Since Triangle Strategy’s main story will take different routes depending on the choices you make, it is likely that you will not be able to get all recruitable characters in one playthrough. Instead, you can choose which units best suit your playtstyle to decide what path to take during the main story.

Recruitable Characters List and Guide

Auto-save is limited to one slot only.

Auto-save in Triangle Strategy only takes up one slot which overwrites the previous data with the most recent based on your progress in the game. To be safe, it is recommended to constantly save your game manually, especially before key decision events or points-of-no-return to allow you to go back if you need to.

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