Hades 2 - How to Beat Scylla and the Sirens

Scylla and the Sirens Boss Guide for Hades 2, including how to beat Scylla and the Sirens, an overview of the boss' attacks, recommended attack strategies and defensive strategies, and how to avoid and counter the boss' attacks.

Hades 2 - How to Beat Scylla and the Sirens Boss Guide

How to Beat Scylla and the Sirens Boss Guide for Hades 2

This page contains a strategy guide on how to beat Scylla and the Sirens in Hades 2. Below are tactics to avoid Scylla and the Siren’s attacks and information about the boss’ moveset.

Scylla and the Sirens Boss Strategy

Main Strategy

Hades 2 - Scylla and the Sirens Boss Guide

Scylla and the Sirens are three powerful enemies that you must fight all at the same time. They share the same HP bar, which allows you to deal damage no matter who you attack. The Roxy (drummer siren) does not move at all, making her an ideal target to reduce the boss’ HP bar during the start of the boss fight.

Once the Roxy is eliminated, use Omega Cast on Scylla or Jetty (guitarist siren) to momentarily stop one of them from moving. Doing so will allow you to stop the continuous attack from one of them.

It is also highly recommended to learn range attacks before fighting Scylla and the Sirens because a large number of enemies will show up once the boss fight is about to end.

Scylla and the Sirens Boss Attacks Strategy and Counters

Prioritize defeating Roxy, the Drummer Siren, first.

Hades 2 - Roxy, the Drummer Siren

While Roxy, the Drummer Siren, is on the battlefield, focus on attacking her first to inflict damage more easily during the early phase of the boss fight.

Should Scylla or Jexy (the guitarist siren) approach you while you’re targeting Roxy, disengage from Roxy and lure Scylla or Jexy away. Once they are at a distance, continue to deal damage to Roxy.

Use long-range attacks to inflict damage on Scylla or Jexy (guitarist siren).

Hades 2 - Scylla and the Sirens Boss Guide Rotating Laser

Both Scylla and Jexy can inflict massive damage on you in close-range combat. Therefore, once Roxy is out of the picture, switch your focus to either Scylla or Jexy and use long-range attacks in your arsenal. Doing so will avoid the risk of receiving huge damage from their close-range attacks.

However, at this point in the game, your long-range attacks may be limited, and you may have to engage in close-range combat. Don’t stay too long in front of Scylla and Jexy; instead, hit them with a few hits and then back away to avoid their massive damage.

Use Omega Cast and Special Attacks during the final phase of the boss fight.

Hades 2 - Scylla and the Sirens Boss Guide Fish Summons

You will be able to determine the final phase of the boss fight once Scylla summons a horde of fish. During this phase, you will have to keep moving to prevent getting damaged by the horde of fish.

It is recommended to use Omega Cast and special attacks to eliminate the horde of fish on your way and inflict damage to Scylla at the same time.

Scylla and the Sirens Moveset and Attack Patterns

Note that Scylla and the Sirens’ moveset and attack patterns do not have names. The names given below are based on the actions and appearance of the attacks.

AoE Blast

Hades 2 - Scylla and the Sirens Boss Guide AoE Blast

An attack that begins from top to bottom or from bottom to top of the battlefield. You can avoid this attack by moving out of the pink circles or stepping on the area where it previously exploded.

Thrust Attacks

Hades 2 - Scylla and the Sirens Boss Guide Thrust Attacks


An attack launched by Scylla herself. This attack is not threatening unless you are too close to Scylla. Be aware of your surroundings and deal damage using special attacks.


Hades 2 - Scylla and the Sirens Boss Guide Barrage


Scylla launches an attack in your direction using bullet-like objects. Move away from Scylla until the bullets spread out so that the gap between the bullets gets wider.

Once the gap is wide enough for you to fit in, move to the gap to avoid getting hit. You can also dodge towards the bullet and take advantage of the short invincible time of the dodge.

Jetty’s Red Orbs

Hades 2 - Scylla and the Sirens Boss Guide Jetty's Red Orbs

Jetty shoots red orbs in your direction. This attack is not much of a threat in terms of damage, but it is bothersome because the orbs can bounce and become a nuisance on the battlefield.

Rotating Laser

Hades 2 - Scylla and the Sirens Boss Guide Rotating Laser

This attack is performed by Scylla, wherein she emits lasers around her. Keep a safe distance from the laser rays and be aware of their enormous range.

During this attack, you can use your special attacks as long as you are not within the lasers’ range.

Homing Musical Notes

Hades 2 - Scylla and the Sirens Boss Guide Homing Musical Notes

Scylla fires slow-homing musical notes that will chase you for quite some time. Despite being slow, this attack deals significant damage to your HP.

It is troublesome on the battlefield since it hinders you from continuously attacking your target, as it may catch up if you stop moving for a while.

Jetty’s Sound Waves

Hades 2 - Scylla and the Sirens Boss Guide Jetty's Sound Waves

Jetty, the guitarist siren, executes an attack that, while inflicting no damage, can immobilize you completely. As Jetty performs this attack, she will persist in tracking you and directing sound waves your way.

Keep moving away from Jetty and steer clear of the sound waves as best as you can to prevent getting hit by Scylla’s attacks.

Solo Time

Hades 2 - Scylla and the Sirens Boss Guide Solo Time

When the HP bar of Scylla and the Sirens reaches 50%, Jetty will enter an enhanced state called Solo Time. In this state, he can use a charge attack and generate shock waves at the same time. The Solo Time can be stopped by defeating Jetty himself.

To beat Jetty, use Omega Cast and special attacks instead of engaging in a head-to-head battle. Doing so will not only reduce the risks of receiving damage but also make it easier to take down Jetty.

Roxy’s AoE Exploding Attack

Hades 2 - Scylla and the Sirens Boss Guide Roxy's Exploding Attack

Roxy detonates the area around her and proceeds to detonate the area in the opposite direction. This attack is designed to keep you at bay.

You can dodge or dash to escape the range of this AoE attack. After the attack ends, Roxy will have a brief moment of vulnerability, providing an opportunity to deal damage.

Endless Fish Summon

Hades 2 - Scylla and the Sirens Boss Guide Fish Summons

This attack is used when Roxy and Jexy are defeated and Scylla is left alone in the battle. Scylla will remain stationary and won’t be able to move while she summons an endless number of fish. With that being said, it is a great opportunity to go all-out and hit Scylla with everything you can.

Another approach while this attack is active is to use Omega Cast and special attacks to hit Scylla and the summoned fish at the same time. Doing so will reduce the risk of getting damage from the boss and her summons.

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Hades 2 Game Database

▼Hades 2 Game Database
Arcana Cards List Boons List
Incantations List Weapons List (Nocturnal Arms)
Wretched Broker Exchange List (Material Shop)  Gathering Tools List
Keepsakes List Fate List Prophecies
Materials List

Game Database

General Databases

▼Hades 2 General Game Database
Arcana Cards List Boons List
Incantations List Weapons List (Nocturnal Arms)
Wretched Broker Exchange List (Material Shop)  Gathering Tools List
Keepsakes List Fate List Prophecies
Materials List

Olympus Gods and Boons

▼Hades 2 Olympus Gods and Boons Database
Apollo Demeter
Poseidon Hestia
Zeus Hephaestus
Aphrodite Hermes
Artemis Hera
Chaos Icarus
Selene Arachne
Narcissus Echo

Weapons (Nocturnal Arms)

▼Hades 2 Weapons (Nocturnal Arms) Database
Witch’s Staff Sister Blades
Umbral Flames Moonstone Axe
Argent Skull


▼Hades 2 Materials Database
Bones Ashes
Psyche Fate Fabric
Silver Limestone
Glassrock Marble
Bronze Iron
Plasma Cinder
Pearl Tears
Zodiac Wool
Darkness Moon Dust
Star Dust Stone


▼Hades 2 Plants Database
Moly Nightshade
Nightshade Seeds Deathcap
Mystery Seeds Lotus
Cattail Myrtle
Wheat Wheat Seeds
Shaderoot Poppy
Moss Garlic
Garlic Seeds Driftwood
Mandrake Root Mandrake Seeds
Thalamus Origin Seeds
Golden Apple


▼Hades 2 Fish Database
Moper Figment
Chiton Roach


▼Hades 2 Gifts Database
Nectar Bath Salts
Ambrosia Witch's Delight
Obol Points

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