Hades 2 - How to Beat Shadow-Spiller

Shadow-Spiller Mini-Boss Guide for Hades 2, including how to beat Shadow-Spiller, an overview of the mini-boss' attacks, recommended attack strategies and defensive strategies, and how to avoid and counter the mini-boss' attacks.

Hades 2 - How to Beat Shadow-Spiller Guide

How to Beat Shadow-Spiller Mini-Boss Guide for Hades 2

This page contains a strategy guide on how to beat Shadow-Spiller in Hades 2. Below are tactics to avoid Shadow-Spiller’s attacks and information about the mini-boss’ moveset.

Shadow-Spiller Mini-Boss Strategy

Main Strategy

Hades 2 - Shadow-Spiller Mini-Boss Guide

In this battle, darkness will cover your surroundings, with Shadow-Spiller at the stage’s center. Meanwhile, two enemies lurk in the shadows, ready to attack from a distance. Focus on eliminating these two enemies first to avoid nuisances while confronting Shadow-Spiller.

Shadow-Spiller Moveset and Attack Patterns

Note that Shadow-Spiller’ moveset and attack patterns do not have names. The names given below are based on the actions and appearance of the attacks.

Tail Sweep

Hades 2 - Shadow-Spiller Tail Sweep

When the mini-boss turns white and suddenly twists its body, it is an indication that it is about to unleash this attack. This attack is powerful and has a wide range, so back away immediately as soon as you see the indication from the boss.


Hades 2 - Shadow-Spiller Slam

When Shadow-Spiller swings its tail, it signals that this attack is about to be launched.

The attack’s range is narrow, and it can be dodged or avoided if you are not too close to the boss. Once the attack ends, move towards the boss and counterattack.

Shadow-Spiller Boss Attacks Strategy and Counters

Defeat the monster with tentacles first.

Hades 2 - Shadow-Spiller Attack Strategy 1

Defeat the monster with tentacles before engaging Shadow-Spiller. Its tentacle strikes are predictable, with a set pause between attacks, making them easy to dodge.

Once it has attacked, close in and deliver a sequence of attacks to deal damage.


Hades 2 - Shadow-Spiller Attack Strategy 2

The main strategy against this mini-boss is to counterattack each time you avoid the attack patterns mentioned above. In particular, when it slams its tail on the ground, it becomes vulnerable to significant damage. Watch out for Shadow-Spiller’s attack indications, and retreat if you see one.

Furthermore, Shadow-Spiller possesses armor that reduces your damage output. However, once the armor is shattered, repeated attacks will cause Shadow-Spiller to flinch.

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Hades 2 Game Database

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Game Database

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Olympus Gods and Boons

▼Hades 2 Olympus Gods and Boons Database
Apollo Demeter
Poseidon Hestia
Zeus Hephaestus
Aphrodite Hermes
Artemis Hera
Chaos Icarus
Selene Arachne
Narcissus Echo

Weapons (Nocturnal Arms)

▼Hades 2 Weapons (Nocturnal Arms) Database
Witch’s Staff Sister Blades
Umbral Flames Moonstone Axe
Argent Skull


▼Hades 2 Materials Database
Bones Ashes
Psyche Fate Fabric
Silver Limestone
Glassrock Marble
Bronze Iron
Plasma Cinder
Pearl Tears
Zodiac Wool
Darkness Moon Dust
Star Dust Stone


▼Hades 2 Plants Database
Moly Nightshade
Nightshade Seeds Deathcap
Mystery Seeds Lotus
Cattail Myrtle
Wheat Wheat Seeds
Shaderoot Poppy
Moss Garlic
Garlic Seeds Driftwood
Mandrake Root Mandrake Seeds
Thalamus Origin Seeds
Golden Apple


▼Hades 2 Fish Database
Moper Figment
Chiton Roach


▼Hades 2 Gifts Database
Nectar Bath Salts
Ambrosia Witch's Delight
Obol Points

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