NEO: The World Ends with You - Ayano Kamachi Character Profile

Character profile for Ayano Kamachi in NEO: The World Ends with You, including their background information, availability, psychic powers, and etc.

NEO: The World Ends with You - Ayano Kamachi Character Profile

Ayano Kamachi in NEO: The World Ends with You


Name: Ayano Kamachi
Nickname: Ayano
Availability: ?
Team: Shinjuku Reapers
Role: Reaper
Psychic Power: ?
Voice Actor: Erin Yvette (EN), Sakura Ayane (JP)

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Ayano is highly capable and trusted by her leader, Shiba Miyakaze. Ayano is cold and ruthless towards almost all the Reapers below her, except for Shoka Sakurane, who she loves like a younger sister.

Ayano Kamachi Psychic Ability

Ability Name Ability Effect
? ?

Ayano Kamachi Recommended Reaper Pins

Coming Soon!

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