EV Training with Poke jobs
Overview Effort values are points that influence stats. After earning four effort values for a sat stat, it will increase by one point. The points don’t show up immediately when a Pokemon is at a [ … ]
Overview Effort values are points that influence stats. After earning four effort values for a sat stat, it will increase by one point. The points don’t show up immediately when a Pokemon is at a [ … ]
Overview Money, or Pokedollars, is the primary currency in the world of Pokemon. It is used to purchase items, medicine, technical machines, and clothes. A Pokemon trainer can earn some money by defeating other trainers [ … ]
Overview Meowth is a normal type cat Pokemon that first appeared in the Kanto region. It has the move Pay Day which scatters coins around the field. Using the move raises the amount of earnings [ … ]
Pokerus Pokerus is a special condition that causes a Pokemon to earn twice as many effort values (EVs) than normal after battle. This allows you to easily raise a pokemon’s stats to the maximum without [ … ]
Rotom Bike The Rotom bike is a key item that lets you move faster as you journey across the Galar region. It is obtained from the doctor on the route 5 bridge leading to Hulbury. [ … ]
Overview A Shiny Pokemon is a rare variant with a unique color scheme that can range from subtle changes to stark differences from their regular counterparts. Despite the change in color, these Pokemon have identical [ … ]
Rotom Rally The Rotom Rally is a series of racing mini-games that take place in the wild areas. To join, you must first obtain the Rotom bike on the route 5 bridge. Afterward, talk to [ … ]
Overview Fossils are rare items found in the overworld. The items are fragments of prehistoric creatures and must be combined with a different one to produce a Pokemon. Version exclusives A pair of fossils are [ … ]
Overview When starting a new game, you need to set a language. Many players speculate that leaving two compatible Pokemon of different languages together at the nursery gives a higher chance of generating a shiny [ … ]
Bottle Caps and Gold Bottle Caps Bottle caps and gold bottle caps are used for hyper training pokemon. These allow you to raise a pokemon’s individual values (IVs) to their maximum level. Your pokemon will [ … ]
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