Who are Your Rivals?
Meet the Rivals Having a rival is a staple in the Pokemon series. The rival is another trainer that regularly challenges you to Pokemon battles as you both strive to become the Pokemon champion. Defeating [ … ]
Meet the Rivals Having a rival is a staple in the Pokemon series. The rival is another trainer that regularly challenges you to Pokemon battles as you both strive to become the Pokemon champion. Defeating [ … ]
Combat Features Around a month ago, the Official Pokemon youtube channel posted a video highlighting new features that shape Pokemon battles. Here, we compiled a list of the new abilities, held items, additional effects during [ … ]
Team Yell Pokemon Sword and Shield will introduce an interesting cast of characters as players journey across the Galar region. New Pokemon, rivals, challenges, and a rowdy group of troublemakers called Team Yell await on [ … ]
What are Galarian forms? Galarian forms are Pokemon that have adapted to the Galar region. They look different and have new attacks and abilities. These forms are similar to Pokemon Sun and Moon’s Alolan forms. [ … ]
League Cards Pokemon Sword and Shield are set to introduce a variety of new and exciting Pokemon, characters, and gameplay mechanics. Among these is the league card shown in the UK: Camp Like Never Before [ … ]
What is a Pokemon Camp A Pokémon Camp allows the player to have a camp within the Galar Region. While in camp, the player’s six Pokémon come out and interact with each other. Also, the [ … ]
How to Customize Your Character’s Hair Style, Hair Color, and Eye Color In addition to customizing the character’s clothing, the player can also change the main character’s facial features and hairstyle in Pokemon Sword and [ … ]
Differences Between Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield Main series Pokemon games come in pairs upon release. The latest installments, Sword and Shield, is no different and introduces version exclusive Pokemon. In addition, one of the [ … ]
List of Pokémon Sword and Shield Announcements and Directs Below is a compilation of announcements and directs for Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield. Stay tuned to this page for the latest Pokemon Sword and Pokemon [ … ]
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