God of War Ragnarok - Permanent Events

All permanent events, unchangeable choices, missable content, and points-of-no-return in God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok).

God of War Ragnarok - Permanent Events

Permanent Events in God of War Ragnarok

This page contains a guide on all permanent events, unchangeable choices, missable content, and points-of-no-return in God of War Ragnarok (GoW Ragnarok). Be sure to keep these in mind when starting a New Game to avoid making major mistakes or miss out on useful equipment, items, and other content while playing through the game’s main story.

Please note that this page is undergoing updates.

Difficulty can only be changed once when playing on Give Me God of War

I you choose to play on God of War (Very Hard) difficulty at the start of the game, you will only be given the chance to change the difficulty once for the entire playthrough. After switching to a lower setting, you will no longer be able to switch the game back to God of War mode.

Game Difficulty Guide

This game mode is extremely punishing and demands a lot of you in terms of reflexes and memorizing enemy attack patterns. It is recommended to play on God of War difficulty once you have beaten the game on Balance (Normal) or No Mercy (Hard).

You cannot respec skills.

Experience points (XP) spent to unlock skills cannot be reallocated at any point during the game. Because of this, decide carefully which abilities to get first to help you get through the early stages of the main story.


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