This is A Noob Plays PUBG Episode 5. Here we will talk about my weird and zany experiences in squad automatchmaking.
A Noob Plays PUBG Episode 5 – My Experiences in Squad Automatchmaking
Session 1
My squad were all speaking chinese, so I muted my voice chat to make sure we wouldn’t have problems. One of my people got disconnected (or quit), another died due to an unseen enemy, and the last of the living ones kept speaking “China, China,” over the voice chat, so I merely muted. My squadmate went to loot the apartments and camped there, while I headed over to the school, dreading that someone could be shooting at me there.
I didn’t get much apart from some ammo. Since I had a lot of time on my hands, I decided I was going to loot the apartments near my partner.
I went to the apartments near one of my living team mates. We helped each other out by taking the UAZ I passed by and driving to another town close by, where he got killed. After taking potshots at one of the teams with a yellow dacia, I dove into the nearest garage as the circle closed in. I didn’t know what to do next, so I just hid in the garage while people around me were taking shots everywhere. My squad was dead. I was next.
I got up and attempted to look for enemies south of my hiding spot, way out in the playable zone. No luck. I was too late to get back to safety–I got killed outside of play zone.
Session 2: Squad FPP Auto Matchmaking
This guy is one of the friendliest of my squadmates. We were duo in a squad match, though, which was tragic. We landed near the military base: he running up the mountain to find sniper rifles, and I settling for a house. I found a pistol and some ammunition in the nearby houses, as well as some .45 ACP ammo. I got voice chat fixed and my new friend and I started to talk about strategies and the like. We decided to
After looting the nearby town, we decided to rendezvous near the river, but people started firing at us from the bridge. We attempted to take cover from a tree, but we sadly did not survive. Hope you get your chicken dinner in the next run, guy.
Session 3: Squad FPP Auto matchmaking: Electric Boogaloo
This is not as annoying, but a bit frustrating all the same. Again I got only one squadmate in a squad match, and they didn’t speak english. Once we landed, he starts shooting at me until I’m knocked out.
He then quits.
And I’m left there watching his inanimate body, as I limp towards him, my body fluids draining and draining and draining. And just before I get to him, I die.
Session 4: Squad Auto Match
As if fate had made up that magic flub in the last session, I had a good squad this time. They were friendly, also spake Asian, and had a great strategy of looting Lipovka–so far away from the playable zone. I managed to get great weaponry: an SKS, M16A4 with a 4x scope, as well as other paraphernalia. I helped my new squad out by finding a UAZ for all of us to huddle into, which we eventually used to get to the playable zone. I didn’t want to drive (like in real life), so I let my buddies drive for me.
On the way to the town we chose, we got fired upon by people huddling in a field, as well as people hiding in the forest. Our team avoided them well, but managed to take fire from the houses down a hill. We decided to leave and to take out the foes hiding inside the house.
We hid in the trees and opened fire at the enemies but they killed us one by one by one.
The Death List
- I died outside the playzone. I should have stayed where I was, moving in only to take cover inside the circle. I could have lived!
- We died behind a tree from gunfire coming from the bridge. We should have went for the boat immediately.
- I couldn’t stop this. I didn’t know why my squad mate started shooting at me. RIP.
- We died trying to storm a house. We should have left the area once people were taking fire at us.
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