This is a Noob Plays PUBG article. Here you will learn all about the sad and pathetic adventures of a noob trying to survive Erangel!
A Noob Plays PUBG – Episode 1
Session 1

I started this match feeling this overpowering sense of dread. I could die again, and it would not be pretty. A part of me didn’t want to go and play today, but what the hell, I should git gud as much as I can.
I was hiding in the northern part of the map, near some barns. Following the advice they wrote about how not to get killed in the open field, I hid undercover, waiting for one of the few other looters in the area to move. Hiding in the grass, I found one come behind the exterior of the building. I go in for the kill, only to get shot in the ensuing firefight. I underestimated. I should have gone for a total headshot.
Session 2
I’m pretty sure I landed in the same place in this round.
I almost got another kill. After looting a house successfuly, obtaining a P1911 and a UMP9, I tried to kill a passerby. She killed me first because I didn’t AIM WELL again. Lesson learned: aim well, or die well. God damn it. I freaking panicked.
Session 3: Running away from the mighty blue circle
I landed in a medium-sized compound. I tried my best to find good loot, but I only got some decent shotguns. I stayed in the compound for way too long, costing me some precious time, and two bandages later. Anyway, I don’t think that I managed to get every single important loot in the compound. I was pressed for time either way. I told myself that I should leave the compound at the one minute mark (before the blue circle starts closing in on you). A few minutes later—and half way into being damaged by the circle, I was sorely regretting that decision.
Hopping across a mile of trees and boulders, desperately holding down the ALT button, I saw what I thought was my demise looming just behind me. The blue circle was gaining traction, coming after me like an implacable mab if it had some consciousness. I double-timed it, ignoring the fact that right down the road I had seen someone looting one of the small huts.
I managed to reach the end of the blue wall with mearly a quarter of my health eaten by the blue circle. Using up two bandages, I managed to get my health up to a solid 80-90%. Now deep in the safe area, I did not dare to step near the nearby towns because I had heard gunshots earlier. Tree-by-try I methodically moved past the towns down a field.
As I was going down, I noticed another player limping away into a nearby farmhouse. I moved through the bushes to make sure I wasn’t seen. It was hear that I heard a quick whiz of an incoming bullet. Instead of leaping for cover, I instead tried frantically to look for my shooter. Sadly, I died immediately.
Session 4: Carpe Diem (Or, how I died to an incoming force field)
There was a session before this. We will not speak of that session.
This final session before I hang my cape up and stop playing for the day went similarly to the preceding one. Thankfully, this time I managed to get an M16 AR. Unlucky me, I didn’t get into a firefight with it, only managing to traverse a field slowly, cautiously. Part of me just wanted to ask that someone kill me already–and then I realized that in my skill level right now I was gonna die no matter what. I told myself that I might as well make something out of my experience here.
I heard some gunfire to my right, and proceeded left down the hay field, hiding in the bushes, moving to newer bushes, rinse and repeat. That was fun, but ultimately killed me. There was no one out there–no one remotely near me. I should have made a run for it because the blue circle started barreling towards me. Long story short, I couldn’t catch up with it, and died walking up a hill.
Today’s Deaths, and how I could have prevented them.
- I didn’t aim for the head of my fully-armored enemy. I should have aimed more carefully.
- Ditto.
- I walked into a field I knew had some bad guys with guns. I did not walk the other way or run for cover.
- I died climbing up a hill because I walked too carefully across a field, knowing there were little to no traces of people there.
Do you like A Noob Plays PUBG Episode 2? Check out our other PUBG articles!
- A Noob Plays PUBG – Episode 1 (You Are Here)
- A Noob Plays PUBG – Episode 2
- A Noob Plays PUBG – Episode 3
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