What is Rotomi?
Rotomi Functions and improvements In Galar, Rotom has taken over the PC and became Rotomi. Now, aside from residing in the trainer’s phone, Rotom also replaces the PC’s Pokemon storage system and incorporates even more [ … ]
Rotomi Functions and improvements In Galar, Rotom has taken over the PC and became Rotomi. Now, aside from residing in the trainer’s phone, Rotom also replaces the PC’s Pokemon storage system and incorporates even more [ … ]
Pokeball Plus Pokemon Sword and Shield will support Pokeball Plus functionality, though with slightly limited capabilities. This was confirmed in the Nintendo Direct event for E3 2019. What is it? Pokeball Plus is a special [ … ]
Locations New locations in the Galar region were revealed alongside some landmarks that mark the locales. Trainers will often encounter wild pokemon and rival trainers as they travel from city to city. Areas are sometimes [ … ]
Special Serial Codes Several in-game items for Pokemon Sword and Shield can be obtained through exclusive serial codes. These are offered as special purchase bonuses for either version or the double pack. Dynamax Larvitar and [ … ]
Max Raid Battle Guide Max Raid Battles are co-op encounters that pit a group of up to four players against a wild Dynamaxed Pokemon. These are incredibly powerful versions of Pokemon that are able to [ … ]
Gigantamax Form Guide This feature gives Pokemon the ability to grow in size and become more powerful. All Pokemon in the Galar region can Dynamax, though only certain species can assume yet an even stronger [ … ]
Y-Comm Pokemon Sword and Shield will allows players to interact with one another online or through a local connection using Y-Comm. This is similar to the player search system or PSS, which first appeared in [ … ]
Poke Jobs Poke jobs are among the many new gameplay features in Pokemon Sword and Shield. They are somewhat akin to the Poke pelago found in Pokemon Sun and Moon, allowing Pokemon to gain experience [ … ]
Overview The wild was shown during the Nintendo Treehouse live early gameplay feature. It is home to all sorts of Pokemon, both visible and invisible, the latter being those that can be found in the [ … ]
Pokemon League The Galar region’s Pokemon league is the final destination for all trainers aspiring to be the best in the land. Crowds of fans are drawn to the excitement of intense Pokemon battles in [ … ]
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