Pokemon Unite - Defender Pokemon List

List of all Defender Pokemon playable in Pokemon UNITE, including their roles, attack type (range), difficulty rating, related guides, and tier rating.

Pokemon UNITE - Defender Pokemon List

▼Pokemon Types
Attacker Pokemon All-Rounder Pokemon Defender Pokemon
Speedster Pokemon Supporter Pokemon All Pokemon

All Pokemon in Pokemon UNITE

Here is a list of all playable Defender Pokemon in Pokemon UNITE in alphabetical order. Clicking on a Pokemon brings you to its stats and recommended move and item builds.

Pokemon UNITE Tier List

We’re constantly updating our pages with new information, so check back often!

Pokemon Attack Type Difficulty Guide Tier Rating
Pokemon UNITE - CrustleCrustle Melee Novice Move and Item Builds A
Pokemon UNITE - SlowbroSlowbro Ranged Intermediate Move and Item Builds B
Pokemon UNITE - SnorlaxSnorlax Melee Novice Move and Item Builds A

All Pokemon List

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