Star Ocean: The Divine Force - All Route-Exclusive Features

All route-exclusive features in Star Ocean: The Divine Force (Star Ocean 6), including all recruitable characters, quests, events, equipment, and content available on Raymond or Laeticia's story sections, route missables, and other useful information.

Star Ocean: The Divine Force - All Route Exclusive Features

All Route-Exclusive Features in Star Ocean: The Divine Force

Star Ocean: The Divine Force - Route Exclusive Features

The main story of Star Ocean: The Divine Force (Star Ocean 6) is divided into character routes that designate either Raymond or Laeticia as the main character. As a continuation of the series’ tradition, it certain characters, events, and features will only be available on a specific route which is listed below.

Should You Choose Raymond or Laeticia?

Exclusive Characters

JJ and Theo

Raymond Route Laeticia Route
JJStar Ocean: The Divine Force - JJ TheoStar Ocean: The Divine Force - Theo
Character Gameplay Character Gameplay
A mechanized humanoid wielding a katana. JJ’s playstyle revolves around charging his attacks to make them more powerful and performing timing-intensive counters that increase his VA gauge. A commander in the Aucerian Navy wielding a Halberd. Theo has an impressive range with his polearm weapon, able to hit multiple enemies with wide attacks that allow him to plow through groups with ease.

JJ and Theo are only recruitable in a specific character route. This means that it is impossible to have both characters at the party during your playthrough with either Raymond or Laeticia as the main character.

How to Recruit JJ and Theo

JJ can only become a member of the party on Raymond’s route. Theo, meanwhile, may only be recruited on Laeticia’s route.

Characters List

Exclusive Character Endings

J.J. and Theo Character Endings

Character 1 (Main) Character 2 (Ally) Character Ending Unlock
Star Ocean: The Divine Force - RaymondRaymond Star Ocean: The Divine Force - J.J.JJ As Raymond, you must have the highest Affection Points with J.J. at the end of the game.
Character 1 (Main) Character 2 (Ally) Character Ending Unlock
Star Ocean: The Divine Force - LaeticiaLaeticia Star Ocean: The Divine Force - TheoTheo As Laeticia, you must have the highest Affection Points with Theo at the end of the game.

All Character Endings List and Guide

JJ and Theo’s Character Endings are also exclusive to specific story routes since you will not be able to invite either of them to your party depending on who the main character is.

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