Valkyrie Elysium - Post-Game Unlockables

Post-game unlockables guide for Valkyrie Elysium, including all new game modes, equipment and items, features, and content that become available after clearing the game’s main story on any difficulty mode.

Valkyrie Elysium - Post-Game Unlockables

Post-Game Unlockables in Valkyrie Elysium

Valkyrie Elysium - Post-Game Unlockables

Below are all post-game unlockables in Valkyrie Elysium, including new game modes, obtainable equipment and items, features, and content that become available after clearing the game’s main story on any difficulty mode.

Game Difficulty Guide

New Game Plus (NG+) – to be confirmed

While not yet revealed from official sources, it is expected that New Game Plus (NG+) will become available once you have beaten the game. This mode allows you to play through the game’s main story again to max out weapon upgrades and weapon proficiency, unlock all skills, clear unfinished Subquests, or simply do a second run on higher difficulty modes.

More information on NG+ will be added when it is confirmed in the game.

Seraphic Gate Mode

Seraphic Gate, a special game mode to be added in the November update, will also be accessible after clearing the main story. This high-difficulty time attack-style battle mode will require you to clear various floors filled with challenging enemies with certain weapons and skills restricted. You can get special rewards for clearing all floors of Seraphic Gate mode.

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