Dying Light 2 Stay Human - Permanent Events

A guide on all permanent events, unchangeable choices, and points-of-no-return in Dying Light 2 Stay Human's main story quest.

Dying Light 2 - Permanent Events

Permanent Events in Dying Light 2 Stay Human

Below is a list of all permanent events, unchangeable choices, and points-of-no-return in Dying Light 2 Stay Human‘s main story quest. Be sure to take note of them to avoid making major mistakes during your playthrough.

Main Quest Walkthroughs

Skill points cannot be reallocated (to be confirmed).

As with the first Dying Light game, it is expected that skill points used to unlock various Combat and Parkour skills cannot be reallocated. There currently are no ways to respec skill points based on official material released for the game so choosing carefully which skills and abilities to acquire is important as you progress through the main story.

Best Skills to Unlock

Unchangeable Choices

As you go through the main quest, you must make various choices that will affect the game’s story. These include siding with the different characters and factions based in The City that will alter the course of events towards the end of the game.

List of Story Choice Events

Coming soon.


Coming soon.

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