Cactuar – Enemy Stats List [Final Fantasy 15/ FFXV]


The Cactuar is a recurring creature from Final Fantasy XV. This creature roams around the lands of Duscae and Cleigne. Despite is many spawning areas, the Cactuar is a rare creature that only spawns after 15 minutes being on the map. Its form is that of a cactus with a shocked expression it. Its body is forever frozen in the running man position. This creature is known to unleash 1000 needles which deals 1000 damage per cast.

To defeat this creature, get out of its 1000 needle range before closing in. It’s like playing red light/green light. Wait for it to unleash its barrage of needles before closing in and striking it down.


Level 15
EXP 3333
Size 1
HP 5000
Strength 770
Vitality 74
Spirit 60
Libra 1.5
Parry Yes



Chance Items
Primary 100% Oracle Ascension Coin
Element 50% Fire (99)


Time:  4:00 – 7:59

Natural Habitat: Duscae (southwest of Preposterous Keep, north of Alstor Slough), Leide (north of Hammerhead, north of Longwythe), Cleigne (east of Steyliff Grove, north of Fort Vaullerey); rare monster only spawns after 15 mins on the map.

Quest: Hunt: –

Status Ailments

Immune to Instant Death and Alterna


Sword Greatsword Lance Daggers Pistol Shield Machinery
100% 100% 100% 120% 120% 100% 100%


Fire Ice Lightning Light
120% 100% 50% IMMUNE


May invoke Stalwart Status.

Employs fixed damage: 1000 damage

Break: vitality -15% (body/60%)


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