The Hundlegs appear to be a centipede with a longer set of pincers up front. The Hundlegs can be seen wandering around Duscae in the southern part of the Disc of Cauthess. These creatures are medium in size; not as terrifying as the many other larger creatures that roam the lands of Duscae.
The Hundlegs swerve and move around to attack, dodging sometimes attacks due to their slender bodies. They deal Poison damage and are resistant against Poison-based attacks. Venom-cast has a low chance working on them but using pure Ice Spells and bludgeoning them with a Great Sword and a bit of Machinery should do the trick. Since you’ll be dealing with them for a bit, don’t forget to carry a few antidotes with you.

Level | 20 |
EXP | 148 |
Size | 2 |
HP | 20480 |
Strength | 1700 |
Vitality | 104 |
Spirit | 94 |
Libra | 1.5 |
Parry | Yes |
– | Chance | Items |
Primary | 50% | Centipede Legs |
Secondary | 50% | Centipede Legs |
Appendage | 100% | Centipede Jaw |
Element | 50% | Lightning (4) |
Time: Anytime
Natural Habitat: Duscae (southern region; Disc of Cauthess Area)
Quest: –
Status Ailments
Resistant to Poison
Sword | Greatsword | Lance | Daggers | Pistol | Shield | Machinery |
100% | 120% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 120% |
Fire | Ice | Lightning | Light |
100% | 120% | 100% | 50% |
Capable of inflicting Poison Status
Break effects: Strength -15% (head/25%), Vitality -15% (body/35%)
Level | 20 |
EXP | 148 |
Size | 2 |
HP | 20480 |
Strength | 1700 |
Vitality | 104 |
Spirit | 94 |
Libra | 1.5 |
Parry | Yes |
– | Chance | Items |
Primary | 50% | Centipede Legs |
Secondary | 50% | Centipede Legs |
Appendage | 100% | Centipede Jaw |
Element | 50% | Lightning (4) |
Time: Anytime
Natural Habitat: –
Quest: Hunt: Reclaiming Schier Heights (Taeplar Rest Area)
Status Ailments
Resistant to Poison
Sword | Greatsword | Lance | Daggers | Pistol | Shield | Machinery |
100% | 120% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 120% |
Fire | Ice | Lightning | Light |
100% | 120% | 100% | 50% |
Capable of inflicting Poison Status
Break effects: Strength -15% (head/25%), Vitality -15% (body/35%)
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