How to Raise Unit Level Efficiently [Fire Emblem Heroes/FE: Heroes]

This article will show you how to efficiently raise your character's or unit's level.

Condition for Leveling Up

In the Fire Emblem series, units or characters gain EXP after a battle. If you attack an enemy or if an enemy attacks you without your unit dying, then that unit will level up. As opposed to other games, you will immediately gain EXP for your units rather than after the mission ends.

Efficient Method for Raising Unit Level

A location in the map called “Tower of Training” is where you can earn large amounts of experience. However, the difficulty will slowly rise up as you go further in the tower, so it’s best to grind through other locations and battle before going to the middles stages of the tower.

If you want to raise the level of a specific character, you may want that character to be the one who will deal the final blow on opponents. Units who deal the final blow usually gets more experience than those who were battling the same enemy before.

To get more EXP, it’s better if you match up the character with an enemy with the same level as your unit. Matching with enemies with the same level or near the level of your unit will give you more EXP.

A typical raising method in FE is using your most used units to slowly deplete the HP of a non-moving boss character. Boss units typically gives more EXP than regular units, so the best strategy for leveling up in areas where there are bosses but very few enemies is to prick the boss’s HP slowly.



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