League of Legends: Wild Rift - Akali Champion Stats and Abilities

Champion information for Akali in League of Legends: Wild Rift (LoL: Wild Rift), including stats, abilities, ability order, counters, skins, and more.

League of Legends: Wild Rift - Akali Champion Stats and Abilities

Akali, the Rogue Assassin

League of Legends: Wild Rift - Akali Champion Stats and Abilities

Akali Overview

Overall Tier ? Damage ★★★
Assassin Tier ? Toughness ★☆☆
Mid Lane Tier ? Utility ★☆☆
Class Assassin Difficulty ★★★

Akali Stats

Champion Stat Level 1 Increase Per Level Level 15
Attack Damage 64 4.57 128
Ability Power 0 0 0
HP 650 115 2,260
Energy 200 0 200
Armor 40 4.36 101
Magic Resistance 38 1.64 61
Attack Speed 0.80 0.015 1.01
Ability Haste 3 0 3
Critical Rate 0% 0% 0%
Critical Damage 200% 0 200%
HP Regen 9 0.64 18
Mana Regen 0 2.43 34
Armor Penetration 0 0 0
Magic Penetration 0 0 0
Armor Penetration % 0% 0% 0%
Magic Penetration % 0% 0% 0%
Physical Vamp 0% 0% 0%
Magic Vamp 0% 0% 0%
Movement Speed 470 0 470
Tenacity 0% 0% 0%

Akali Abilities

Passive Ability Ability Effect
League of Legends: Wild Rift - Assassin's MarkASSASSIN’S MARK
Magic Damage
Attack Damage
Ability Power
Dealing active ability damage to a champion reveals a ring for 4 seconds.

Crossing the ring empowers Akali’s next attack to gain 100 range, deal 40 bonus magic damage (40 + 60% bonus AD + 50% AP)

Gains 40% Movement Speed while moving toward the ring. Upon crossing the ring, she gains 40% Movement Speed while moving toward enemy champions for 2 seconds.

Ability 1 Ability Effect
League of Legends: Wild Rift - Five Point StrikeFIVE POINT STRIKE
Magic Damage
Attack Damage

Ability Power
Throws five kunais, dealing 67 magic damage (25 + 65% AD + 60% AP). Enemies struck at maximum range are slowed by 50% for 0.5 seconds.

Level 1 2 3 4
Cost 96 90 85 80
Base Damage 25 60 95 130
Ability 2 Ability Effect
League of Legends: Wild Rift - Twilight ShroudTWILIGHT SHROUD
Movement Speed
Creates a smoke cloud that expands over 5.5 seconds and restores 80 energy. Akali is invincible and gains 25% Movement Speed inside the shroud.

Level 1 2 3 4
Duration 5.5 6 6.5 7
Movement Speed 25% 30% 35% 40%
Ability 3 Ability Effect
League of Legends: Wild Rift - Shuriken FlipSHURIKEN FLIP
Magic Damage
Attack Damage
Ability Power
Flips backward and throws a shuriken, dealing 63 magic damage (40 + 35% AD + 50% AP) and marking the target for 3 seconds.

Re-cast: Dashes to the marked target, dealing 63 magic damage (40 + 35% AD + 50% AP).

Level 1 2 3 4
Cooldown 14.6 12.7 10.7 8.8
Base Damage 40 80 120 160
Ultimate Ability Effect
League of Legends: Wild Rift - Perfect ExecutionPERFECT EXECUTION
Physical Damage
Magic Damage

Attack Damage
Ability Power
First Cast: Dashes through an enemy champion, dealing 85 physical damage (85 + 50% bonus AD). Can be cast again after 2.5 seconds.

Second Cast: Dashes in target direction, dealing 85 magic damage (85 +50% AP). Increased by up to 300% based on target’s missing Health.

Deals max damage to targets below 35% health.

Level 1 2 3
Cooldown 87.8 68.3 48.8
Base Damage 85 150 215

Akali Ability Order

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Akali Counters

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Akali Skins

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Akali Best Item Builds

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Akali Best Rune Builds

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