League of Legends: Wild Rift - Xin Zhao Champion Stats and Abilities

Champion information for Xin Zhao in League of Legends: Wild Rift (LoL: Wild Rift), including stats, abilities, ability order, counters, skins, and more.

League of Legends: Wild Rift - Ahri Champion Stats and Abilities

Xin Zhao, the Seneschal of Demacia

League of Legends: Wild Rift - Xin Zhao Champion Stats and Abilities

Xin Zhao Overview

Overall Tier ? Damage ★★☆
Fighter Tier ? Toughness ★★☆
Jungle Tier ? Utility ★☆☆
Class Fighter
Difficulty ★☆☆

Xin Zhao Stats

Champion Stat Level 1 Increase Per Level Level 15
Attack Damage 71 3.64 122
Ability Power 0 0 0
HP 670 105 2,140
Mana 345 41 919
Armor 40 3.93 95
Magic Resistance 30 1.64 53
Attack Speed 0.80 0 1.01
Ability Haste 3 0 3
Critical Rate 0% 0 0%
Critical Damage 200% 0 200%
HP Regen 9 0.86 21
Mana Regen 12 0.71 22
Armor Penetration 0 0 0
Magic Penetration 0 0 0
Armor Penetration % 2% 0% 2%
Magic Penetration % 0% 0% 0%
Physical Vamp 0% 0% 0%
Magic Vamp 0% 0% 0%
Movement Speed 528 0 528
Tenacity 0% 0% 0%

Xin Zhao Abilities

Passive Ability Ability Effect
Physical Damage
Magic Damage
Attack Damage
HP Regen
Every third attack deals an additional 16 physical damage (22% attack damage) and heals for 17 (10 + 10% attack damage + 40% magic damage).
Ability 1 Ability Effect
Physical Damage
Attack Damage
Empowers the next three attacks to deal an additional 28 physical damage (25 + 40% bonus attack damage) and reduce the cooldown of other abilities by 1 second.

The third attack knocks the target up for 0.75 seconds.

Level 1 2 3 4
Cooldown 8.8 7.8 6.8 5.9
Bonus Damage 25 30 35 40
Ability 2 Ability Effect
Physical Damage
Attack Damage
Slashes his spear, dealing 62 physical damage (40 + 30% attack damage) and slowing by 50% for 1.5 seconds. Xin Zhao then thrusts his spear, dealing 97 physical damage (40 + 80% attack damage) and slowing by 50% for 1.5 seconds.

Level 1 2 3 4
Cooldown 11.7 10.7 9.8 8.8
First Damage 40 50 60 70
Second Damage 40 80 120 160
Ability 3 Ability Effect
Magic Damage
Dashes to an enemy, dealing 50 magic damage (50 + 60% magic damage) to all nearby enemies and slowing them by 30% for 0.5 seconds. Xin Zhao gains 40% Attack speed for 5 seconds.

Level 1 2 3 4
Base Damage 50 85 120 155
AS 40% 45% 50% 55%
Ultimate Ability Effect
Physical Damage
Attack Damage
Sweeps his spear, dealing physical damage equal to 82 (75 + 100% bonus attack damage) plus 15% of enemies’ maximum health and knocking them back. Xin Zhao blocks damage from enemies far away for 3 seconds, extended by 0.3 second for every attack and ability.

The enemy most recently hit by Xin Zhao’s attacks or Audacious Charge is not knocked back.

Level 1 2 3
Cooldown 97.6 82.9 68.3
Base Damage 75 175 275

Xin Zhao Ability Order

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Xin Zhao Counters

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Xin Zhao Skins

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Xin Zhao Best Item Builds

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Xin Zhao Best Rune Builds

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