League of Legends: Wild Rift - Glossary

This glossary page contains a list of frequently used terminology in League of Legends: Wild Rift (LoL: Wild Rift). The list serves as a guide for communication between players.

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Term Definition
LoL: Wild Rift An abbreviation used for the League of Legends: Wild Rift (LoL: Wild Rift) mobile battle arena game.
PvP An abbreviation for “Player versus Player”. PvP playing can be done against more than 1 player per encounter or clash.
Bots / NPCs / Creeps Refers to the non-playable characters controlled by the AI of the game. They are mostly in the form of minions or random champions used for “practice mode” or “custom matches.” Non-Player Characters are also often fittingly called NPCs. “Creeps” usually refer to just minions and monsters in League of Legends: Wild Rift.
Ace When all the champions on one team are killed and down at the same time.
HP Hit Points. The amount of health a champion has.
MP Mana Points. The amount of mana a champion has.
Attack Damage. Can refer to the amount of damage a champion deals with normal attacks, or the type of champion that deals physical damage.
AP Ability Power. Can refer to the amount of ability power a champion has, or the type of champion that primarily deals magic damage.
AS Attack Speed.
 LS Life Steal.
MS Movement Speed, measured in units per second.
Leash When a monster stops being attacked or is pulled too far away, so it returns to its original location and regenerates its lost health.
Armor Pierce / Magic Pierce Refers to the value of an item or ability to reduce the protection provided by armor (Armor Pierce) or magic defense (Magic Pierce).
Lifesteal / Magic Lifesteal Refers to the value of an item or ability to absorb a percentage of an enemy’s HP either through normal attacks (Lifesteal) or magic-based abilities (Magic Lifesteal).
Bruiser Refers to a champion who can deal considerable damage while being very tough to take down because of high sustain (HP or defense).
OP Stands for “overpowered,” but can casually be used to refer to generally strong champions, items, or anything else.
KDA Stands for Kills/Deaths/Assists, but is actually an indicator of the kills you contributed to compared to how many times you died. Your KDA ratio is (Kills + Assists) : Deaths
RNG Stands for Random Number Generator, which games use to simulate a chance occurrence. The term RNG is often used by gamers to mean “luck” in general. In League of Legends: Wild Rift, RNG is used to determine when a critical hit lands, or how much damage is applied on each hit (go to training mode and you’ll see that your damage fluctuates by a few hit points on every hit).
Elo A rating system that estimates a player’s skill level.


Term Definition
Champion A term used for the playable characters. Champions are categorized as Tank, Warrior, Assassin, Mage, Marksmen, or Support.
Minion A term used for non-playable soldiers which are friendly or unfriendly depending on the team the player is with.
Core A term used for the players’ main tower located in their home base. The Core also attacks and recovers health over time when left alone.
Turret (Tower) A term used for the guard towers on opposing lanes in the battlefield. Whenever a tower is destroyed, the player’s team gains experience and gold. If the player destroys all towers in a single lane, powerful minions with strong armor are summoned instead.
Warrior A champion focused on dealing damage with physical melee attacks.
Tank A champion with high health or defense whose focus is absorbing damage in place of their teammates.
Support A champion focused on healing or preventing damage rather than dealing it. Can also refer to a champion who’s best-suited sticking to a damage-dealing ally, setting up kills with CC abilities.
Mage A champion whose damage is based on their abilities rather than attacking.
Marksman A ranged champion focused around dealing damage with their physical attacks at a distance.
Assassin A champion focused around dealing large amounts of damage in a short amount of time.
DPS Short for “damage per second,” but often refers to damage dealers or damage in general. Example: “We need another DPS champion.”
Squishy Easy-to-kill champions or champion classes. Mages and Marksmen are often squishy, while Assassins and Supports can be as well.
Enchanter A support champion that perform either of the following roles: giving heals, providing buffs, or casting shields to mitigate damage. Their become more useful later after they acquire better gear. Some examples include Soraka and Janna.
Poke mage A mage that comes with ranged abilities. The Poke mage serves to weaken an enemy or two. Unlike Burst mages, their combos inflict less damage and suffer from restricted mobility. Some examples include Vel’Koz, Xerath, and Zoe.
Control mage Refers to a champion that has utility thanks to his outstanding reach and potential to stop enemies through crowd control (CC). An example of a control mage is Orianna and Twisted Fate.
Battlemage Mages who offer great DPS. Although battlemages also suffer from having short ranged abilities, they boast a wide area damage and have better defenses to overcome enemy attacks. Another name for them are Warlocks. An example of a battlemage is Aurelion Sol.
Burst mage Refers to a champion who is capable of dealing a high amount of damage in a short amount of time. Mages are oftentimes synonymous with burst champions, thanks to their Magic Damage. Some examples of Burst mages are Ahri and Seraphine.
Tanky The opposite of squishy, able to soak up large amounts of damage.
Tank (Verb) To absorb damage for your team. Ex: “Tank the tower’s shots so we can dive the champion underneath.”
Main Tank The more durable of a team composition’s two (or more) tanks, main tank characters often have great crowd control and sustainability but low damage. They are expected to be the first to engage the enemy in team fights and soak most of the damage so that the team can follow up.
Off Tank / Second Tank The secondary tank in a team’s composition, the off tank has less sustainability and crowd control but more damage. They are the secondary initiators after the main tank, and are typically Warriors or Warrior-Tank hybrids. Off tanks often occupy the Dark Slayer lane because of their great dueling capabilities.
Hypercarry Refers to an ADC champion who is squishy between the early to mid-game but becomes almost invincible in the late game after farming.


Term Definition
Recall A default ability that allows all champions to warp back to their home base. If the warp process is disrupted, the warp is canceled and the player must restart the process. The ability is unchangeable.
Restore A default ability that allows all champions additional recovery over time. The ability is unchangeable.
Crowd Control (CC) Abilities or effects that hamper or disable enemy actions. Stuns, slows, silences, and other disabling effects are examples of CC.
Hook Abilities that stop enemies or lures them to the champion’s spot.
Cooldown The time between use of an ability.
CDR “Cooldown Reduction” – items or abilities that reduce the time it takes to use abilities
Damage over Time (DoT) Refers to Abilities and items that cause a player to lose HP over a certain amount of time. This includes debuffs such as Poison and other Abilities and items and auras that deal Magic Damage.
Area of Effect (AoE) Refers to Abilities that deal damage in an area, affecting multiple champions. Also referred to as “splash damage”
Aura Passive ability that affects the champion and his surrounding allies.
Buff This refers to a temporary boost to one’s stat. Most Support champions have Abilities that enhance their team’s stats. Another way of getting buffs is by killing a Large Neutral Monster.
Crit Short for “critical hit,” though often used as a verb: He crits for 1000 damage = When he gets a critical hit, it deals 1000 damage.
Dunking Refers to some abilities where a champion attacks the enemy using an aerial leap.
Proc / Trigger / Activate These terms refer to when a champion or item’s ability (often passive) is activated by having its preconditions met.
One-shot Killing an enemy in one attack, ability, or combination of abilities (without needing to wait for any cooldowns).
Stun-lock Chaining together abilities that stun the opponent so that they are continuously unable to act.
Stack Refers to incremental benefits gained from accomplishing a certain task, like killing a champion or monster. Can be used as a verb or a noun.


Term Definition
Lane Refers to the main zones between the players on both ends of the battle map. Each lane also consists of towers that guard a specific area against an opposing player. There are three types of lanes: Top (DS),  Mid, and Bot (AD).
Top Lane
(Herald Lane or Baron Lane)
It is sometimes called “Top” despite the map flipping from game to game. Because the Herald is the first major objective in the game, teams send just one champion, usually a bruiser that can handle themselves. After slaying the Herald, one teammate can loot the eye to gain a faster recall which he can use to regroup.

Later on, the team can take on the Baron, a purple entity that when slain, temporarily bestows the team with Attack and AP buffs. The effect also applies to surrounding minions, improving their Attack, AS, mobility, and durability. The effect wears off when the unit is slain.

Mid Lane Refers to the middle lane of the map. champions play this lane solo in order to farm experience, and are usually mages or assassins.
Bot Lane or Dragon Lane Refers to the lane closest to the Dragon. The pair of dragons don’t share the same element. After slaying both dragons, the succeeding dragons that spawn will have identical elements. Each dragon grants one of four effects when slain.

Teams should send two champions to the Dragon lane (or roam if they’re more advanced), usually a support and a damage dealer.

Jungle Refers to the zone of land made out of forest and rivers. Also called “JG,” it covers a huge area across different lanes. Epic monsters reside in the jungle which, when defeated, give the player(s) a specific buff.
Jungler Refers to a player whose main roles are to clear out neutral monsters, farm gold, and raise their own experience level quickly. champions that pick this role are usually Assassins.
Farm Refers to the act of killing minions in the lane, the jungle or other neutral monsters to gain gold and experience. Oftentimes, the Jungler is also referred to as a Farmer, since if they are not ganking a lane, they are killing jungle monsters to get gold and experience.
Gank An abbreviation for “Gang Kill.” It involves a player or a team ambushing an unsuspecting solo or group of enemy champions. A player who mostly leads ganks is called a “Ganker”
Last Hit The act of delivering the killing blow to a minion, resulting in higher gold and experience than simply being near the unit when it dies.
Auto-attack A character’s basic attack. champions said to have high sustained damage often have strong auto-attacks.
Harass Harass refers to consistently dealing damage in an annoying fashion, eg. poking without taking damage in return, or stalking a ranged champion with a pesky, mobile melee champion.
Kite Kite or Kiting refers to the act of moving between attacks, often to stay within range of an opposing champion while dealing damage, or to deal damage while running away. This is usually done by ranged champions and is a key skill for Marksmen.
Spam Repeatedly using the same low-cooldown ability as quickly and often as possible.
Burst Refers to a champion who is capable of dealing a high amount of damage in a short amount of time. Mages are oftentimes synonymous with burst champions, thanks to their Magic Damage.
Juke The act of escaping an enemy ability by using the environment (e.g. terrain, bush) and misdirection.
Carry Refers to a champion who has the ability to take over games. Oftentimes, this also refers to a champion who gets better the longer the game progresses, so long as the champion is able to farm for his or her core items and get some kills.
Attack Damage Carry (ADC) Refers to champions who can carry games and are reliant on dealing Physical Damage. Typically, the Marksman class are designated as ADCs, but some Warriors and Assassins can also be considered as ADCs.
Peel The act of providing assistance to your team’s carries (usually the Mage or Marksman) by disabling the high-threat champion on the opposing team, allowing your vulnerable allies to deal damage or escape.
Flank The act of passing through the frontline to reach the backline by taking a detour. Often done by assassins.
Tower Dive The act of hitting the enemy who’s protected by the turret (tower). Usually meant for picking off an already weakened enemy without sustaining too much damage from the turret.
Team Fight This refers to when all members of the two opposing teams are battling one another at the same time in one area of the map. This is also known as a Clash.
Aggro Refers to the abbreviated phrase of “taking aggro”. This happens when the player is getting hit by enemy minions, turrets, enemy champions or high-level monsters.
Bait To lure the enemy into a false sense of security with the goal of catching him off-guard.
Poke Dealing damage from a distance without receiving damage in return
Roam To move strategically around the map searching for kills, ganks, objectives, or other opportunities.
Split-Push To split away from your team in order to push a separate lane, forcing the other team to have to defend multiple points of attack. The role is given to the duelist, a champion who is better off not joining team fights.
Backdoor To infiltrate the enemy’s base to attack the nexus (the base’s core) while the opposing team is distracted. Usually, the team can execute it by crossing the jungle to reach the opposing base undetected.


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