Janna, the Storm’s Fury
Janna Overview
Overall Tier | ? | Damage | ★☆☆ |
Mage Tier | ? | Toughness | ★☆☆ |
Mid Lane Tier | ? | Utility | ★★★ |
Class | Support Mage |
Difficulty | ★☆☆ |
Janna Stats
Champion Stat | Level 1 | Increase Per Level | Level 15 |
Attack Damage | 52 | 2.71 | 90 |
Ability Power | 0 | 0 | 0 |
HP | 570 | 95 | 1,900 |
Mana | 435 | 57 | 1,233 |
Armor | 42 | 4.36 | 103 |
Magic Resistance | 35 | 0.86 | 47 |
Attack Speed | 0.75 | 0 | 0.75 |
Ability Haste | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Critical Rate | 0% | 0% | 0% |
Critical Damage | 200% | 0% | 200% |
HP Regen | 6 | 0.57 | 14 |
Mana Regen | 21 | 0.71 | 31 |
Armor Penetration | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Magic Penetration | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Armor Penetration % | 0% | 0% | 0% |
Magic Penetration % | 0% | 0% | 0% |
Physical Vamp | 0% | 0% | 0% |
Magic Vamp | 0% | 0% | 0% |
Movement Speed | 524 | 0 | 524 |
Tenacity | 0% | 0% | 0% |
Janna Abilities
Passive Ability | Ability Effect |
![]() Movement Speed |
Passively gain 8% Movement Speed. Nearby allied champions also gain this bonus when moving towards Janna. |
Ability 1 | Ability Effect | ||||||||||||||||||||
![]() Magic Damage Ability Power Control |
Summons a whirlwind that gains damage, range, and knock up duration as it charges up (max charge at 3 seconds).
Re-cast: Launches a whirlwind, dealing 60 to 120 magic damage (60 + 40% AP to 120 + 85% AP) and knocking up enemies in its path for 0.5 to 1.25 seconds. Each second charged increases damage by 20 (20 + 15% AP), knock up duration by 0.25 seconds and travel range by 25%. The whirlwind always reaches its destination in 1.5 seconds.
Ability 2 | Ability Effect | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
![]() Magic Damage Ability Power Movement Speed Control |
Passive: While Zephyr is not on cooldown, gain 6% Movement Speed and deal an additional 50 magic damage (25% bonus MS) with attacks.
Active: Deals 115 magic damage (65 + 60% AP + 25% bonus MS) and slows the target by 30% (30% + 0.06% AP) for 2 seconds.
Ability 3 | Ability Effect | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
![]() Attack Damage Ability Power Shield |
Blesses an allied champion or turret with a shield that absorbs 90 damage (90 + 80% AP) and grants 10 Attack Damage (10 + 10% AP) while it holds. The shield decays over 5 seconds.
Ultimate | Ability Effect | ||||||||||||
![]() Ability Power HP Regen |
Calls forth mighty winds of salvation to knock back surrounding enemies and restore 100 Health (100 + 50% AP) to nearby allies each second for 3 seconds.
Janna Ability Order
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Janna Counters
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Janna Skins
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Janna Best Item Builds
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Janna Best Rune Builds
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