Pokémon Scarlet and Violet - How to Reroll Auction Items

A guide on how to reroll auction items at Porto Marinada for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (Pokemon SV), including the steps to reset rare items up for bidding and other useful tips.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - How to Reset Auction Items

How to Reroll Auction Items in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - How to Reset Auction Items

In Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (Pokemon SV), you can reroll the items that are up for bidding at the Porto Marinada Auction through a simple method. This allows you to bid for rare items such as various rare Berries that can reduce Pokemon EVs, Apriballs (special Poke Balls), evolution items, and held items.

All Auction Items List

Note that most of the rare items that are auctioned start to be bid at very high prices (with some in the 100,000 Pokedollar range). You can view a guide on how to farm money in the game by clicking on the link below.

Money Farming Guide

Steps to Reroll Auction Items

1 While at the Porto Marinada Auction, check the items that are up for bidding.
2 If you do not find anything you like, save your game.
3 Afterwards, close the the game application from the Nintendo Switch home screen.
4 Launch the game application again.
5 Check the items that are up for bidding at the auction to see if the items you want are there.
6 Repeat the process until you find what you like.

Changing the Date and Time

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Changing the Date and Time on the Switch

You can also try changing the date and time from the Nintendo Switch’s settings to reroll the auctioned items at Porto Marinada. Again, save first before doing this. Then, launch the game application again after changing the date and time to see if the auction now has the item you want to bid for.

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