Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability List

All gear ability list in Splatoon 3, including a breakdown of new and returning abilities usable by wearing gear equipment (headgear, clothing, and shoes).

Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability List

Gear Ability List in Splatoon 3

Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability List

Below is a list of gear abilities in Splatoon 3, including a breakdown of new and returning abilities usable by wearing gear equipment (headgear, clothing, and shoes).

For a list of all gear equipment, check this page:

Splatoon 3 Gear List

For a list of all brands, check this page:

Splatoon 3 Brand List

New Gear Abilities

Gear Ability Ability Description Availability Favored by Unfavored by
Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Intensify ActionIntensify Action Makes Squid Rolls and Squid Surges easier to do and steadies your aim when firing after jumping. All Gear Splatoon 3 - Barazushi Brand LogoBarazushi Splatoon 3 - Inkline Brand LogoInkline
Splatoon 3 - Emberz Brand LogoEmberz
Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Sub Resistance UpSub Resistance Up Reduces effects and damage from sub weapons. All Gear Splatoon 3 - Inkline Brand LogoInkline Splatoon 3 - Krak-On Brand LogoKrak-On

Returning Gear Abilities

Gear Ability Ability Description Availability Favored by Unfavored by
Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Ink Recovery UpInk Recovery Up Increases ink-tank refill rate. All Gear Splatoon 3 - Tentatek Brand LogoTentatek Splatoon 3 - Firefin Brand LogoFirefin
Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Ink Resistance UpInk Resistance Up Reduces damage taken and improves mobility when walking through enemy ink. All Gear Splatoon 3 - SquidForce Brand LogoSquidForce Splatoon 3 - Enperry Brand LogoEnperry
Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Ink Saver (Main)Ink Saver (Main) Decreases amount of ink consumed by your main weapon. All Gear Splatoon 3 - Splash Mob Brand LogoSplash Mob Splatoon 3 - SquidForce Brand LogoSquidForce
Splatoon 3 - Toni Kensa Brand LogoToni Kensa
Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Ink Saver (Sub)Ink Saver (Sub) Decreases amount of ink consumed by your sub weapon. All Gear Splatoon 3 - Firefin Brand LogoFirefin Splatoon 3 - Forge Brand LogoForge
Splatoon 3 - Annaki Brand LogoAnnaki
Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Quick RespawnQuick Respawn Reduces respawn time after getting splatted repeatedly without splatting any opponents. All Gear Splatoon 3 - Skalop Brand LogoSkalop Splatoon 3 - Zink Brand LogoZink
Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Quick Super JumpQuick Super Jump Increases Super Jump speed. All Gear Splatoon 3 - Zink Brand LogoZink Splatoon 3 - Tentatek Brand LogoTentatek
Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Run Speed UpRun Speed Up Increases movement speed in Inkling or Octoling form. All Gear Splatoon 3 - Rockenberg Brand LogoRockenberg Splatoon 3 - Splash Mob Brand LogoSplash Mob
Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Special Charge UpSpecial Charge Up Increases special-gauge fill rate. All Gear Splatoon 3 - Takoroka Brand LogoTakoroka Splatoon 3 - Zekko Brand LogoZekko
Splatoon 3 - Emberz Brand LogoEmberz
Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Special Power UpSpecial Power Up Upgrades your special weapon. All Gear

Splatoon 3 - Forge Brand LogoForge

Splatoon 3 - Takoroka Brand LogoTakoroka

Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Special SaverSpecial Saver Reduces special-gauge decrease after getting splatted. All Gear

Splatoon 3 - Zekko Brand LogoZekko

Splatoon 3 - Skalop Brand LogoSkalop
Splatoon 3 - Annaki Brand LogoAnnaki
Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Sub Power UpSub Power Up Upgrades your sub weapon. All Gear Splatoon 3 - Enperry Brand LogoEnperry Splatoon 3 - Toni Kensa Brand LogoToni Kensa
Splatoon 3 - Barazushi Brand LogoBarazushi
Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Swim Speed UpSwim Speed Up Increases movement speed in swim form. All Gear

Splatoon 3 - Krak-On Brand LogoKrak-On

Splatoon 3 - Rockenberg Brand LogoRockenberg

Headgear-specific Abilities

Gear Ability Ability Description Chunk Conversion Cost
Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability ComebackComeback Boosts some of your abilities for a short time after respawning. Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Run Speed UpRun Speed Up Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Swim Speed UpSwim Speed Up Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Special Charge UpSpecial Charge Up
Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Last-Ditch EffortLast-Ditch Effort Boosts ink-recovery rate and weapon-ink efficiency for the last 30 seconds of battle. Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Ink Saver (Main)Ink Saver (Main) Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Ink Saver (Sub)Ink Saver (Sub) Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Ink Recovery UpInk Recovery Up
Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Opening GambitOpening Gambit Boosts your speed while moving for the first 30 seconds of battle. Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Run Speed UpRun Speed Up Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Swim Speed UpSwim Speed Up Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Ink Resistance UpInk Resistance Up
Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability TenacityTenacity Fills special gauge automatically if your team has fewer active players than the enemy. Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Special Charge UpSpecial Charge Up Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Special SaverSpecial Saver Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Special Power UpSpecial Power Up

Clothing-specific Abilities

Gear Ability Ability Description Chunk Conversion Cost
Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Ability DoublerAbility Doubler Doubles the effect of other gear abilities attached to this gear. ? Ability ? Ability ? Ability
Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability HauntHaunt Once you’ve respawned, reveals the position of the players who splatted you. Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Quick RespawnQuick Respawn Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Sub Power UpSub Power Up Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Ink Resistance UpInk Resistance Up
Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Ninja SquidNinja Squid Leaves no trace when swimming in inked ground but slightly reduces swim speed. Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Ink Recovery UpInk Recovery Up Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Run Speed UpRun Speed Up Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Swim Speed UpSwim Speed Up
Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Respawn PunisherRespawn Punisher Increases respawn time and special-gauge spawn penalty for you and any player you splat. Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Special SaverSpecial Saver Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Quick RespawnQuick Respawn Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Sub Resistance UpSub Resistance Up
Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Thermal InkThermal Ink Allows you to track distant players hit with shots from your main weapon. Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Ink Saver (Main)Ink Saver (Main) Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Ink Saver (Sub)Ink Saver (Sub) Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Intensify ActionIntensify Action

Shoe-specific Abilities

Gear Ability Ability Description Chunk Conversion Cost
Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Drop RollerDrop Roller Tilting the Left Stick during a Super Jump lets you perform a roll in that direction when landing. Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Quick Super JumpQuick Super Jump Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Ink Resistance UpInk Resistance Up Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Intensify ActionIntensify Action
Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Object ShredderObject Shredder Increases damage dealt to all nonplayer targets. Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Ink Recovery UpInk Recovery Up Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Special Power UpSpecial Power Up Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Sub Power UpSub Power Up
Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Stealth JumpStealth Jump Hides your Super Jump landing point from distant players. Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Quick Super JumpQuick Super Jump Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Sub Resistance UpSub Resistance Up Splatoon 3 - Gear Ability Intensify ActionIntensify Action

Other Gear Brands

Gear List and Guides

▼All Gear List and Guides
Headgear List Clothing List
Shoe List Gear Brand List
Gear Ability List -
Splatoon 3 Gear List

New Gear Brands

▼All New Gear Brands
Splatoon 3 - Barazushi Brand LogoBarazushi Splatoon 3 - Emberz Brand LogoEmberz

Returning Gear Brands

▼All Returning Gear Brands
Splatoon 3 - amiibo Brand Logoamiibo Splatoon 3 - Annaki Brand LogoAnnaki
Splatoon 3 - Cuttlegear Brand LogoCuttlegear Splatoon 3 - Enperry Brand LogoEnperry
Splatoon 3 - Firefin Brand LogoFirefin Splatoon 3 - Forge Brand LogoForge
Splatoon 3 - Grizzco Brand LogoGrizzco Splatoon 3 - Inkline Brand LogoInkline
Splatoon 3 - Krak-On Brand LogoKrak-On Splatoon 3 - Rockenberg Brand LogoRockenberg
Splatoon 3 - Skalop Brand LogoSkalop Splatoon 3 - Splash Mob Brand LogoSplash Mob
Splatoon 3 - SquidForce Brand LogoSquidForce Splatoon 3 - Takoroka Brand LogoTakoroka
Splatoon 3 - Tentatek Brand LogoTentatek Splatoon 3 - Toni Kensa Brand LogoToni Kensa
Splatoon 3 - Zekko Brand LogoZekko Splatoon 3 - Zink Brand LogoZink

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