Splatoon 3 - How to Turn Off Motion Controls

A guide on how to turn off motion controls in Splatoon 3, including steps to disable gyro controls from the main menu in Splatsville and other useful tips.

Splatoon 3 - How to Turn Off Motion Controls

How to Turn Off Motion Controls in Splatoon 3

Splatoon 3‘s game controls are set to operate using motion controls by default which may not be the best configuration for you to play. Fortunately, it is possible to toggle this setting from the game’s main menu.

Can only be turned off after going through the tutorial.

Splatoon 3 - Splatsville

Note that you motion controls can only be disabled after going through the tutorial and reaching Splatsville (the game’s main hub). This means that you will no choice but to go through the basics of the game using the default configuration.

Steps to Turn Off Motion Controls (Gyro)

Splatoon 3 - How to Turn Off Motion Controls

Below are the steps to turn off motion controls from the game’s main menu.

1 After completing the game’s tutorial, head to Splatsville.
2 Press the X button to open the game’s main menu.
3 Press the R button to go to the Options tab.
4 If you are playing on your TV, select TV/Tabletop Mode. If you are playing the game handheld, select Handheld Mode.
5 Scroll down to Motion Controls and toggle the setting to Off.

Should you use stick or motion controls?

Stick with motion controls (default) for competitive play.

It is highly recommended to use motion controls this will help you aim with more precision which is essential for high-level competitive play. While it may feel awkward at first, you will learn to land hits on enemies much more reliably using this setup in the long-run.

If you do decide to adopt motion controls as your go-to for playing online, you should try adjusting the camera sensitivity from the game’s settings as well. Experiment with varying levels of motion sensitivity until you find one that is most comfortable.

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