Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - How to Enable Auto Battle

A guide on how to enable auto battle in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (XC 3), including information on the behavior of AI-controlled characters and other useful tips.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - How to Enable Auto Battle

How to Enable Auto Battle in Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - How to Enable Auto Battle

You can enable auto battle in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (XC 3) which will let the AI operate all characters during combat. Activating auto-battle is recommended if you want to farm enemies in a specific area that your party can defeat without frequent use of healing items or abilities.

To enable auto-battle, simply press the (-) button after initiating combat (character’s weapon drawn).

AI Behavior During Auto Battle

AI-controlled characters often make liberal use of regular Arts, Talent Arts, Chain Arts, and Fusion Arts (sometimes a bit too recklessly). Because of the aggressive behavior of characters during auto battle, it is only recommended to enable the setting when you can easily burst down targets with your current level and unlocked abilities.

Auto Battle is Disabled when Fighting Unique Monsters and Bosses

Auto battle cannot be activated when you have entered combat against unique monsters and bosses encountered throughout the game’s main story. This is likely to force you to employ more precise actions given the various unique mechanics and gimmicks found in different battles against special enemies in the game.

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