League of Legends: Wild Rift - Soraka Champion Stats and Abilities

Champion information for Soraka in League of Legends: Wild Rift (LoL: Wild Rift), including stats, abilities, ability order, counters, skins, and more.

League of Legends: Wild Rift - Soraka Champion Stats and Abilities

Soraka, the Starchild

soraka champion skins

Soraka Overview

Overall Tier ? Damage ★☆☆
Mage Tier ? Toughness ★☆☆
Mid Lane Tier ? Utility ★★★
Class Support
Difficulty ★☆☆

Soraka Stats

Champion Stat Level 1 Increase Per Level Level 15
Attack Damage 52 1.71 76
Ability Power 0 0 0
HP 570 115 2180
Mana 345 65 1255
Armor 37 4.71 103
Magic Resistance 35 0.86 47
Attack Speed 0.75 0 0.75
Ability Haste 0% 0% 0%
Critical Rate 0% 0% 0%
Critical Damage 200% 0% 200%
HP Regen 6 0.57 14
Mana Regen 18 0.5 25
Armor Penetration 0 0 0
Magic Penetration 0% 0 0
Armor Penetration % 0% 0% 0%
Magic Penetration % 0% 0% 0%
Physical Vamp 0% 0% 0%
Magic Vamp 0% 0% 0%
Movement Speed 513 0 513
Tenacity 0% 0% 0%

Soraka Abilities

Passive Ability Ability Effect
Movement Speed
Soraka gains 70% Movement Speed when moving toward allied champions below 35% Health.
Ability 1 Ability Effect
Magic Damage
HP Regen

Calls a star, dealing 60 magic damage (60 + 40% AP) and slowing by 30% for 2 seconds. If an enemy champion is hit, Soraka gains Rejuvenation, healing for 8 (8 + 5% AP) over 4 seconds.

After healing an ally champion 3 times, Starcall is empowered to deal 40% damage in a larger area.

Level 1 2 3 4
Cooldown 7.5 6.5 5.5 4.5
Cost 45 50 55 60
Base damage 60 110 160 210
Regen 8 10 12 14
Ability 2
HP Regen
Heals another allied champion for 80 (80 + 70% AP). If Soraka has Rejuvenation, the ally gains Rejuvenation for 4 seconds.

Level 1 2 3 4
Cooldown 8 6 4 2
Cost 55 60 65 70
Regen 80 110 140 170
Ability 3
Magic Damage
Create a zone that deals 70 magic damage (70 + 40% AP) and silences enemies. The zone expires after 1.5 seconds, dealing 70 magic damage (70 + 40% AP) and rooting for 1 second(s).

Level 1 2 3 4
Cooldown 22 20 18 16
Base Damage 70 120 170 220
Duration 1 1.25 1.5 1.75
Bonus damage 70 120 170 220
Ultimate Ability Effect
HP Regen
Heals all allied champions for 150 (150 + 40% AP), increased by 50% if the ally is below 35% Health.

Level 1 2 3
Coodown 100 90 80
Regen 150 250 350

Soraka Ability Order

Coming Soon

Soraka Counters

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Soraka Skins

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Soraka Best Item Builds

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Soraka Best Rune Builds

Coming Soon

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