Sniper Elite 5 - All Stone Eagle Locations

All obtainable Stone Eagles in Sniper Elite 5, including detailed locations and how to acquire them. Stone Eagles are listed under each mission in the game.

Sniper Elite 5 - All Stone Eagle Locations

All Stone Eagle Locations in Sniper Elite 5

Stone Eagles are a type of collectible found all throughout the various Campaign Missions of Sniper Elite 5. Stone Eagles are listed under each mission in the game.

Below is a list of all Stone Eagles in the game, including missions each collectible is found, their locations, and how to get them.

The Atlantic Wall

Collectible Location
#1 Stone Eagle East Building: Proceed to the top of the east building where you obtained the “Pickled Some Violets” persona letter. The Stone Eagle on a pillar.
#2 Stone Eagle Southeast Top Bunker: Proceed southeast of the dunes. The location is marked on your map.
#3 Stone Eagle Hotel: Proceed north to reach the hotel with Nazi banners and a fountain out front. Spot the Eagle on the roof from the top of the church.

Occupied Residence

Coming Soon!

Spy Academy

Coming Soon!

War Factory

Coming Soon!

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