Final Fantasy 15 / FFXV - Elemancy Guide [Final Fantasy 15/ FFXV]

This page summarizes all the obtainable magic and spells in Final Fantasy XV. Please note that we will be updating information found in this section regularly.

Elemancy is a new magic system in the land of Eos for Final Fantasy XV. Instead of being learned spells, they are craftable and consumable.

This page contains a guide on Elemancy or crafting spells in Final Fantasy XV, including spell tiers, types, stats, ingredients, added effects, strategies and tips and tricks in the game.

Elemancy Guide

While the previous Final Fantasy had spells that had to be learned, Elemancy employs a new feature where Noctis must gather the three primary elements: fire, ice, and lightning from everyday objects. The idea of elemancy involves Noctis crafting spells with at least one unit each of Fire, Ice, and Lightning. These three basic elements are at the foundation of elemancy which allows a variety of spells to be cast. In order to use the spells, these must be equipped on the primary weapon slot.

Crafting Spells

When it comes to crafting spells, make sure you have at least all three elemental units (Fire, Lightning, and Ice). After obtaining the elements, open the quest menu to look for Elemancy. From there, you can craft different kinds of spells with different degrees of damage.


Catalysts are items that Noctis can use to add effects to his spells. Different items turn into different effects which can prove to be useful later on in battle. When the effect is added, the spell is said to be “transmuted”.

Based on the number of items used in junction for the elemancy, the effect improves the more you load into the spell. Each increment is determined by a value known as effect level, which is multiplied to the number of copies in the catalyst.

Magic Flasks

Magic Flasks are the media you use to mix and match spells. Different flasks mean different levels of spells. But the ratio is not 1:1. The fact is – you can keep up to 99 units of the same spell within a single flask. This means this has less weight on your inventory. And, you can enter battle with a single flask but having 99 units of Thundaga which is useful in taking out hordes of creatures. This is only talking about elemental damage; when the flasks for the junctioned spells become available, you can even duplicate the spells and smash enemies with it.


There are three elements: fire, ice, and lightning. The three elements are the most basic and the most farm-able in the lands of Eos. While roaming the Open World of Eos, Noctis can draw out these elements from common household items. Each item contains at least 33 units of the specific item.

  • Fire – often found in Havens and sometimes Dungeons. They can also be found in the open field. Look for either gas tanks and crystals.
  • Ice – often found in caverns and dungeons. They usually take the form of crystals.
  • Lightning – found mostly in more mechanical places and sometimes on the open field. These take the form of crystals or any form of computer.

There are other ways to gain elemental units such as using weapons like the Engine Blade, the Valiant, and etc. By doing so, you’ll be able to draw elemental units from incoming enemies. However, the enemies have a low chance of dropping them. For example, Voretooth’s only ave a 30% chance of dropping at the most 2 units of Fire. However, enhancing the Elemental Magnetism in the Ascension grid.

Important Tips for Crafting Spells

  1. Keep in mind that when you mix spells that there’s a special rule based on proportion. For example, if you use 18 units of Fire and 10 units of Lightning, your spell would have a higher propensity to cast Fire instead of Thunder.
  2. However should there be no majority, the spell you create is Unicast which Noct chooses a random element to cast.
  3. If you want a single type spell, make sure the spell has Absolute Majority before crafting the spell.
  4. If there is no majority, there’s a simple tiebreaker to this: fire > ice > lightning.
  5. The more added effect catalysts you use = the greater the power of the added effect. This also applies to the duplicate catalyst.
  6. Primary factor for potency: amount of units used. [See Table “Spell Tiers” below]
  7. Use catalysts to increase the power of your spells. [Example: 99x Ice Energy + 3 Garula Sirloins (power at 4) = 99 + (4×3). This is equal to 112 and within the 100-199 range thus, a Blizzara spell.
  8. Powercraft Line in Ascension helps power up your spells. So, save your AP.
  9. Some spells can be launched a variety of times: dual (2x), tri (3x), quad (4x), quint (5x). But the damage is dependent on the tier.
  10. When using a multi-element spell, the predominant element always goes first. Normally, the first element to be cast is fire. Refer to rule#4.

Spell Tiers

Tier Name Power Spell Name
1 Fire 1-99 Fire
Ice Blizzard
Lightning Thunder
Fire + Ice + Lightning Unicast I
2 Fire 100-199 Fira
Ice Blizzara
Lightning Thundara
Fire + Ice + Lightning Unicast II
3 Fire 200+ Firaga
Ice Blizzara
Lightning Thundara
Fire + Ice + Lightning Unicast III

Added Effects List

Added Effect Description Notes
Quintcast 5x cast First spell guaranteed; following have reduced accuracy. Minimum at 50%
success chance = 50 + (catalysts’ effect level x amount of catalyst added)
Quadcast 4x cast
Tricast 3x cast
Dualcast 2x cast
Venomcast Poison Success chance of effect = (catalysts’effect level x number of catalysts)
Cursecast Mollified Status
Stopcast Stop
Killcast Instant Death
Healcast Heals caster Percentage healed = (catalyst’s effect level x number of catalysts).
Freecast Chances of not consuming energy Chance = (catalysts’ effect level x number of catalysts used)
Experiecast EXP bonus to caster Bonus EXP = (catalysts’ effect level x number of catalysts used)x 100
Failcast Gambling: spell either fails or deals significant amount of damage Fail chance = (catalyst’s effect level x number of catalysts used/100)
Powercast Increased Power Increased damage factored in Catalyst’s Power Value. All Powercast spells are at T1 even if beyond 100.
Blastcast Damages both caster and target Increased damage factored in Catalyst’s Power. The caster’s HP is reduced to 1
Maxicast Ultimate elemental spell Default at lvl 99 but damage can break 9999
None No effect but still adds power

Single Element

Fire Only

Added Effect Spell Crafted
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
None Fire Fira Firaga
Quintcast Quintcast: Fire Quintcast: Fira Quintcast: Firaga
Quadcast Quadcast: Fire Quadcast: Fira Quadcast: Firaga
Tricast Tricast: Fire Tricast: Fira Tricast: Firaga
Dualcast Dualcast: Fire Dualcast: Fira Dualcast: Firaga
Venomcast Venomcast: Fire Venomcast: Fira Venomcast: Firaga
Cursecast Cursecast: Fire Cursecast: Fira Cursecast: Firaga
Stopcast Stopcast: Fire Stopcast: Fira Stopcast: Firaga
Killcast Killcast: Fire Killcast: Fira Killcast: Firaga
Healcast Healcast: Fire Healcast: Fira Healcast: Firaga
Experiecast Experiecast: Fire Experiecast: Fira Experiecast: Firaga
Failcast Failcast: Fire Failcast: Fira Failcast: Firaga
Powercast Powercast: Fire Powercast: Fira Powercast: Firaga
Blastcast Blastcast: Fire Blastcast: Fira Blastcast: Firaga
Limitbreak Flare Flare Flare

Ice Only

Added Effect Spell Crafted
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
None Blizzard Blizzara Blizzaga
Quintcast Quintcast: Blizzard Quintcast: Blizzara Quintcast: Blizzaga
Quadcast Quadcast: Blizzard Quadcast: Blizzara Quadcast: Blizzaga
Tricast Tricast: Blizzard Tricast: Blizzara Tricast: Blizzaga
Dualcast Dualcast: Blizzard Dualcast: Blizzara Dualcast: Blizzaga
Venomcast Venomcast: Blizzard Venomcast: Blizzara Venomcast: Blizzaga
Cursecast Cursecast: Blizzard Cursecast: Blizzara Cursecast: Blizzaga
Stopcast Stopcast: Blizzard Stopcast: Blizzara Stopcast: Blizzaga
Killcast Killcast: Blizzard Killcast: Blizzara Killcast: Blizzaga
Healcast Healcast: Blizzard Healcast: Blizzara Healcast: Blizzaga
Experiecast Experiecast: Blizzard Experiecast: Blizzara Experiecast: Blizzaga
Failcast Failcast: Blizzard Failcast: Blizzara Failcast: Blizzaga
Powercast Powercast: Blizzard Powercast: Blizzara Powercast: Blizzaga
Blastcast Blastcast: Blizzard Blastcast: Blizzara Blastcast: Blizzaga
Limitbreak Freeze Freeze Freeze

Lightning Only

Added Effect Spell Crafted
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
None Thunder Thundara Thundaga
Quintcast Quintcast: Thunder Quintcast: Thundara Quintcast: Thundaga
Quadcast Quadcast: Thunder Quadcast: Thundara Quadcast: Thundaga
Tricast Tricast: Thunder Tricast: Thundara Tricast: Thundaga
Dualcast Dualcast: Thunder Dualcast: Thundara Dualcast: Thundaga
Venomcast Venomcast: Thunder Venomcast: Thundara Venomcast: Thundaga
Cursecast Cursecast: Thunder Cursecast: Thundara Cursecast: Thundaga
Stopcast Stopcast: Thunder Stopcast: Thundara Stopcast: Thundaga
Killcast Killcast: Thunder Killcast: Thundara Killcast: Thundaga
Healcast Healcast: Thunder Healcast: Thundara Healcast: Thundaga
Experiecast Experiecast: Thunder Experiecast: Thundara Experiecast: Thundaga
Failcast Failcast: Thunder Failcast: Thundara Failcast: Thundaga
Powercast Powercast: Thunder Powercast: Thundara Powercast: Thundaga
Blastcast Blastcast: Thunder Blastcast: Thundara Blastcast: Thundaga
Limitbreak Electron Electron Electron

Hybrid Spells

Simple Majority

Added Effect Spell Crafted
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
None Unicast Unicast II Unicast III
Quintcast Quintcast Quintcast II Quintcast III
Quadcast Quadcast Quadcast II QuadcastIII
Tricast Tricast Tricast II Tricast III
Dualcast Dualcast Dualcast II Dualcast III
Venomcast Venomcast Venomcast II Venomcast III
Cursecast Cursecast Cursecast II Cursecast III
Stopcast Stopcast Stopcast II Stopcast III
Killcast Killcast Killcast II Killcast III
Healcast Healcast Healcast II Healcast III
Experiecast Experiecast Experiecast II Experiecast III
Failcast Failcast Failcast II Failcast III
Powercast Powercast Powercast II Powercast III
Blastcast Blastcast Blastcast II Blastcast III
Limitbreak Maxicast Maxicast Maxicast

Absolute Majority: Fire – Highest Minority: Ice

Added Effect Spell Crafted
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
None Fire Fira Firaga
Quintcast Quintcast: Fire-Blizzard Quintcast: Fira-Blizzara Quintcast: Firaga-Blizzaga
Quadcast Quadcast: Fire-Blizzard Quadcast: Fira-Blizzara Quadcast: Firaga-Blizzaga
Tricast Tricast: Fire-Blizzard Tricast: Fira-Blizzara Tricast: Firaga-Blizzaga
Dualcast Dualcast: Fire-Blizzard Dualcast: Fira-Blizzara Dualcast: Firaga-Blizzaga
Venomcast Venomcast: Fire Venomcast: Fira Venomcast: Firaga
Cursecast Cursecast: Fire Cursecast: Fira Cursecast: Firaga
Stopcast Stopcast: Fire Stopcast: Fira Stopcast: Firaga
Killcast Killcast: Fire Killcast: Fira Killcast: Firaga
Healcast Healcast: Fire Healcast: Fira Healcast: Firaga
Experiecast Experiecast: Fire Experiecast: Fira Experiecast: Firaga
Failcast Failcast: Fire Failcast: Fira Failcast: Firaga
Powercast Powercast: Fire Powercast: Fira Powercast: Firaga
Blastcast Blastcast: Fire Blastcast: Fira Blastcast: Firaga
Limitbreak Flare Flare Flare

Absolute Majority: Fire – Highest Minority: Lightning

Added Effect Spell Crafted
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
None Fire Fira Firaga
Quintcast Quintcast: Fire-Thunder Quintcast: Fira-Thundara Quintcast: Firaga-Thundaga
Quadcast Quadcast: Fire-Thunder Quadcast: Fira-Thundara Quadcast: Firaga-Thundaga
Tricast Tricast: Fire-Thunder Tricast: Fira-Thundara Tricast: Firaga-Thundaga
Dualcast Dualcast: Fire-Thunder Dualcast: Fira-Thundara Dualcast: Firaga-Thundaga
Venomcast Venomcast: Fire Venomcast: Fira Venomcast: Firaga
Cursecast Cursecast: Fire Cursecast: Fira Cursecast: Firaga
Stopcast Stopcast: Fire Stopcast: Fira Stopcast: Firaga
Killcast Killcast: Fire Killcast: Fira Killcast: Firaga
Healcast Healcast: Fire Healcast: Fira Healcast: Firaga
Experiecast Experiecast: Fire Experiecast: Fira Experiecast: Firaga
Failcast Failcast: Fire Failcast: Fira Failcast: Firaga
Powercast Powercast: Fire Powercast: Fira Powercast: Firaga
Blastcast Blastcast: Fire Blastcast: Fira Blastcast: Firaga
Limitbreak Flare Flare Flare

Catalysts: Overview


Name Added Effect Power Value Effect Level Units Required for Duplication
Antiodote Venomcast 0 16 25
Elixir Tricast 2 3 8.33
Ether Dualcast 2 2 10
Flesh Fortifier None 3 0.50
Gold Needle Killcast 0 10 16.67
Hi Elixir Tricast 3 4 7.14
Hi-Potion Healcast 0 50 12.50
Magitek Booster Venomcast 20 40
Maiden’s Kiss Venomcast 0 24 16.67
Mega Phoenix Quadcast 8 10 1.82
Mega Potion Healcast 3 99 2.94
Megalixir Quintcast 6 5 2.63
Mettle VX None 2 10
Moogle Plushie None 1
Muscle Stimulant None 3 0.50
Phoenix Down Tricast 3 2 2.38
Potion Healcast 0 25 20
Power EX None 2 10
Reflex Enhancer Quintcast 10 25
Remedy Dualcast 0 5 8.33
Smelling Salts Cursecast 0 22 16.67
Spirit ZX None 2 10
Superior Restorative Dualcast 2 75 2.86
Verve WX None 2 10


Name Added Effect Power Value Effect Level Units Required for Duplication
Aegir Root Healcast 1 10 6.25
Allural Shallot Quadcast 1 3 3.85
Alstroom Cursecast 0 15 2.86
Anak Meat None 3 3.57
Arapaima Roe Experiecast 99 30 3.03
Baramundi Fillet None 3 2.38
Behemoth Tenderloin None 33 1.39
Birdbeast Egg None 1 3.03
Caem Pinkshrimp Dualcast 1 3 1.85
Catoblepass Brisket None 26 1.14
Chickatrice Leg None 5 2.63
Cleigne Darkshell Dualcast 1 4 1.79
Cleigne Mollusk Dualcast 2 1 1.92
Cleigne Wheat Healcast 0 25 2.94
Cup Noodles Healcast 0 99 4
Daggerquill Breast None 1 3.85
Dualhorn Steak None 2 2.78
Eos Green Peas None 2 5
Fine Cleigne Wheat Healcast 0 50 1
Fine Gighee Ham None 8 2.38
Funguar Venomcast 0 10 4.55
Garula Sirloin None 4 3.13
Giant Trevally Fillet None 1 2.38
Gighee Ham None 2 4.17
Griffon Breast None 33 0.98
Hulldagh Nutmeg Quadcast 1 5 6.25
Jabberwock Sirloin None 31
Kettier Ginger Quadcast 1 2 4.17
Killer Tomato Healcast 2 50 2.27
Kujata Marrow Tricast 8 15 1.14
Leiden Pepper Cursecast 1 15 4.17
Leiden Potato Healcast 0 10 5.56
Leiden Sweet Potato Healcast 1 20 5.56
Leukorn Steak None 24 1.05
Lucian Tomato Healcast 1 30 2.38
Malmashroom Killcast 0 5 1.28
Midgardsormr Steak None 34 1.54
Nebula Salmon Fish Fillet None 3 2.38
Platinum Myrtlout Fillet None 8 2.38
Sahagin Liver Tricast 6 10 2.38
Saxham Rice Healcast 0 25 2.38
Schier Tumeric Tricast 1 1 7.14
Sea Bass Fillet None 4 2.09
Sheep Milk Dualcast 1 1 8.33
Smoking Wood Tricast 1 1 8.33
Tenebraen Oak Quadcast 1 1 4.55
Tide Grouper Fillet None 5 2.09
Trout Fillet None 2 2.38
Ulwaat Berries Healcast 8 99 0.25
Vesper Gar Fillet None 10 2.08
Vesproom Stopcast 0 15 2.63
Wild Onion Healcast 0 10 4.17
Zu Tender None 52 0.83


Name Added Effect Power Value Effect Level Units Required for Duplication
Adamantite Limitbreak 99 0.20
Alstor Bass Bones None 1 3.03
Ammonite Fossil Stopcast 4 75 1.35
Anak Antlers Dualcast 8 22 2.08
Anak Fetlock Cursecast 2 25 3.03
Ancient Dragon Tooth Stopcast 6 99 1.20
Arapaima Scales None 8 1.92
Arba Spur Cursecast 1 40 2.22
Barbed Poison Needle Venomcast 6 99 1.33
Barbed Scythe None 1 1.33
Barrelfish Scales None 1 3.03
Basilisk Plumage Dualcast 1 38 1.54
Beautiful Bottle Freecast 0 1
Beautiful Hide Quadcast 16 10 1.54
Beautiful Plummage Tricast 4 26 1.52
Beetle Shell Quadcast 16 10 1.54
Behemoth Horn Quintcast 4 15 2.50
Big Scorpion Stinger Killcast 4 42 2.38
Bluegill Fin None 1 2.38
Bluegill Scale None 4 3.03
Broken Harmonica Stopcast 2 99 1
Building Stone None 30 3.03
Bulette Carapace Dualcast 12 15 1.39
Cactuar Needle Freecast 1 0
Catfish Barbel None 2 3.03
Catoblepass Fang Quadcast 22 10 0.91
Centipede Feet Cursecast 1 25 6.25
Centipede Jaw Cursecast 3 33 5.56
Centipede Legs Cursecast 1 20 8.33
Centipede Teeth Cursecast 6 33 1.82
Chrome Bit Dualcast 16 10 0.67
Cockatrice Crest Experiecast 3 2 33.33
Cockatrice Tail Feathers Dualcast 1 25 1.54
Coeurl Whiskers Killcast 6 52 1.33
Colorful Griffon Claw Quintcast 16 25 3
Crab Carapace Dualcast 2 10 1.52
Crimson Tongue Cursecast 1 47 1.25
Crooked Helixhorn Tricast 1 20 1
Curved Fang None 1 2.94
Curved Hollowhorn Quadcast 7 18 1.43
Deadly Stinger Venomcast 4 99 2.17
Debased Banknote Experiecast 6 6 4
Debased Coin Experiecast 4 4 4
Debased Silverpiece Experiecast 8 8 4
Divine Whiskers None 36 1.03
Downy Feathers Quadcast 4 18 1.52
Dragon Claw Limit Break 72 3.03
Dragon Horn Quintcast 33 10 2.27
Dragon Scales Tricast 8 2 1.05
Drooping Whiskers None 18 1.18
Dynamo None 38 0.74
Earth Gemstone Quadcast 22 15 1
Electrolytic Condenser None 12 0.91
Enormous Stinger Venomcast 3 99 2.27
Fearsome Hoof Cursecast 52 75 1.33
Fine Crest Experiecast 5 3 33.33
Fine Slimy Oil Cursecast 18 99 1.22
Fine Tail Feathers Dualcast 18 49 1.14
Fossil Shell Stopcast 1 52 1.79
Fossil Wood Stopcast 1 28 1.92
Garula Fur Tricast 1 10 2.50
Garula Tusk Dualcast 1 10 2.50
Giant Crab Pincers Blastcast 24 0.5
Giant Curlhorn Quadcast 3 24 1.19
Giant Feather Tricast 4 1 3.03
Giant Hairy Horn Tricast 12 14 2.08
Giant Hoof Cursecast 42 50 1.67
Glass Gemstone Tricast 18 15 1
Gorgeous Plummage Quadcast 8 26 1.47
Gralean Medal of Distinction Quadcast 12 28 0.33
Great Anak Antlers Quadcast 4 18 1.61
Great Garula Tusk Tricast 10 12 2.22
Greatsnake Crest Quadcast 26 24 3.03
Greatsnake Scale None 33 1.19
Griffon Claw Quintcast 5 10 4.55
Griffon Feather None 2 0.50
Hairy Horn Dualcast 12 5 3.03
Hard Scale Tricast 8 42 2.08
Hard Whiskers Dualcast 1 5 2.63
Hardened Hide Limit Break 48 2.86
Hardened Hoof Cursecast 1 30 1.18
Havocfang Hide Dualcast 1 25 2.94
Heavy Scale Tricast 43 10 1.22
Hunter’s Medal Limitbreak 90 0.02
Hydraulic Cylinder Quintcast 42 20 20
Imperial Medal of Honor Quintcast 24 36 0.25
Insect Stinger Venomcast 1 30 1.92
Iron Shavings Failcast 32 12 0.33
 Jade Gar Mirrorscale None 12 2.27
Jumbo Needle Freecast 0 2
King Catfish Heart None 6 2.08
Large Hollowhorn Quintcast 10 12 0.75
Laser Sensor None 22 0.83
Magitek Core Quintcast 99 48 0.20
Magnetron Quintcast 28 15 2
Magnificent Crest Experiecast 7 5 33.33
Magnificent Tail Feathers Dualcast 28 49 1.02
Malboro Eye Quintcast 12 50 4.76
Malboro Vine Killcast 1 50 8.33
Mandrake Flower Quintcast 0 5 2.56
Mesmenir Horn Tricast 1 3 1.96
Metal Scrap Dualcast 1 1 1.25
Monster Claw Quadcast 21 4 2.38
Monster Jaw None 99 3.03
Murk Grouper Eye None 12 2.27
Mythril Ingot Freecast 99 5
Mythril Shaft Quadcast 12 5 0.83
Old Book Experiecast 3 3 2.78
Phoenix Bass Bladder None 4 2.38
Platinum Ingot Freecast 99 3
Prawn Antennae Blastcast 24 0.50
Quality Building Stone None 48 2.17
Rare Coin Experiecast 8 12 4
Repair Kit None 3
Rotten Splinterbone Limit Break 12 4.17
Rough Scales Dualcast 1 10 1.54
Rough Shell Tricast 1 25 1.18
Rusted Bit Failcast 12 8 0.83
Sabertusk Claw None 1 3.03
Sahagin Scale Dualcast 3 38 1.92
Scaled Skin Dualcast 3 10 2.08
Scarlet Splinterbone Quintcast 0 33 1.03
Scorpion Barb Venomcast 1 20 4.76
Scorpion Stinger Killcast 1 16 4.55
Sharp Bone Dualcast 4 15 1.72
Sharp Bristles Venomcast 5 99 2.22
Sharp Head Fin Cursecast 12 99 1.41
Sharp Scythe None 5 1.33
Sharp Tail Feathers Quadcast 0 0 7.14
Shattered Timepiece Dualcast 8 25 0.50
Shield Spike Tricast 8 24 4.55
Sky Gemstone Failcast 99 75 0.03
Slimy Oil Cursecast 7 99 1.14
Small Beak Powercast 25 1.33
Snakehead Scales None 4 2.38
Snakehead Teeth None 2 3.03
Spiked Armor Tricast 26 30 8.33
Splendid Building Stone None 65 1.92
Star Shell Stopcast 1 52 2.17
Strong Bone Dualcast 16 25 1.33
Strong Pincers Blastcast 33 0.5
Strong Whiskers Killcast 18 99 1.25
Sturdy Helixhorn Tricast 3 32 0.97
Supple Tail Dualcast 1 28 1.39
Thick Hide Tricast 8 10 1
Thunderoc Feather Quadcast 0 1 7.14
Tiny Feather Dualcast 1 5 2.08
Tough Shell Dualcast 1 49 2.27
Translucent Skin Cursecast 20 99 0.65
Treant Branch Tricast 1 8 1.14
Treant Trunk Healcast 2 99 0.98
Voretooth Bristles Dualcast 1 3 3.03
Wind-up Lord Vexxos Limit Break 90 0.02
Worn Incisor Cursecast 33 99 0.63
Wyvern Wing Tricast 12 25 1.39
Zu Beak Limit Break 90 0.70

Practical Applications and Tips

  • Sell some of the ones you don’t need. There are some effects you’d rather not have and you can sell those pieces for gil.
  • Grind. Grind like your life depended on it because gathering some of these add effects can save your life.
  • Make sure you pick up all the elemental units lying around. You’ll never know when you need them.
  • The one with low resale value due to large quantities can be used to boost the other spells.

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  1. In regard to the “Tiers” you don’t define what constitutes a given tier. And when you say “absolute majority” do you mean,for example, 51%/30%/19%, or do you mean 40%/30%/30%? This magic system is WAY too complicated

    • Absolute majority means 1 unit above 50%. Or in the case of voting, having more votes than all other rivals combined.