Ifrit the Infernian
Ifrit appears in Chapter 15 when Noct and the party return back to the dark city of Lucis. With all the demons running around, you’d be a little exhausted after taking him down. When Noctis gets to the citadel, Ardyn welcomes the young prince back and tells him that Ifrit the Infernian is waiting for him. There, the whole castle square is engulfed in fire and you’re made to fight Ifrit.
Level | 46 |
EXP | 5929 |
Size | 3 |
HP | 99500 |
Strength | 18070 |
Vitality | 255 |
Spirit | 1023 |
Libra | IMM |
Parry | – |
– | Chance | Items |
Primary | 100% | Infernian Shard |
Secondary | – | – |
Appendage | – | – |
Element | 100% | Fire (99) |
Time: Anytime
Natural Habitat: Lucis
Quest: Main Quest: Cure for Insomnia
Status Ailments
Immune to Instant Death, Stop, Poison, Alterna
Sword | Greatsword | Lance | Daggers | Pistol | Shield | Machinery |
100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% |
Fire | Ice | Lightning | Light |
IMM | 150% | 50% | 120% |
Inflicts heavy fire damage which can cause Burn
Boss Fight: Ifrit
Make sure you stock up on potions and ice spells. Having ice spells will help deal more damage especially when on Limit Break or at least Quintcast. Like all bosses, he is immune to Instant Death, and highly resistant to Alterna, Poison, and many other conditions.

Part 1:
The first part of Ifrit has him sitting on the throne. With this, you’re brought back to the scene you saw at the prologue where you’ll have to fight the Infernian. But lucky for you, Ifrit won’t be moving at the first part and is just casually sitting on the throne. He then unleashes a hellfire which burns Noctis, having Prompto put out the fire. After the fire’s put out, Ignis will call everyone to hide behind a block before another blast of fire burns through the field. With that, the battle starts.

Because of this, he’s an easy target. With that, have Noctis cleave his way through using his warp strikes. Since the Infernian is not taking you seriously, he won’t blast you as much. Leap over the flying fireballs and also dodge roll to avoid any fire projectiles aiming at you. At the first part, best not to use too much of your healing items nor magic. Rely purely on your combos as it can deal high levels of damage.
He throws several waves of fire as a form of attack. Sometimes if you stay too close, he’ll grab Noctis and begin crushing him in his hand.

After that, unleash your barrage of attacks. Have Ignis use Regroup when necessary while having Prompto and Gladio deal damage. Every now and then, Noctis will play the role of support and continuously have to heal his teammates.

When his HP is below 25%, Noct can summon. Summon Bahamut and watch the cutscene. Ifrit and Bahamut have a brief skirmish and cross swords. While Noctis and the gang pulls back, Bahamut enters the fray to deal heavy damage to the Infernian. The fire Astral jumps and dodges, avoiding the raining blades. The dragon crosses swords with the Infernian after, knocking back the creature. He fuels Noctis with power and gives Noctis enough power to cut off its horn.
Part 2:
After cutting off the horn, the battle doesn’t end there. The Infernian, now mobile, is cloaked completely in fire.

He attacks not only with just a flick or a fireball or two. But, with a complete barrage of attacks. He’ll be swinging that flaming scimitar of his around to chop you to pieces. Make use of the area around you as there are many lamp posts and also the edges of the building structure can be a place of point warp for Noctis.

Remember the ice spells you saved up? They’ll come in handy. Use your Blizagga spells and spam them if necessary. By using Ice Spells, the boss is vulnerable and you can deal damage.

With that, you’ll be able to deal more damage against the flaming Astral. When vulnerable, Noctis will have the chance to deal devastating damage. This, especially, when his overdrive is charged and allows him to summon all the swords the same way he decimated Leviathan. When fighting Ifrit, always bring a set of ice spells. Since he’s a fire-type Astral, he’s vulnerable against ice.
When he regains his composure, move around again. Unfortunately for Noct, Ifrit’s attacks are unblockable. Ifrit flies as well to also deal damage.

Part 3:
When Ifrit’s HP drops to 10%, you’ll hear Shiva’s voice speaking to you. She calls Ifrit the “pyreburner” and tells him that a “Dead fire must burn no more.” With that, you can now summon Shiva to do your bidding.

When Noctis summons her, Shiva begins to unleash her final attack: Diamond Dust. Watch her giggle and mock Ifrit as they surround Noctis before taunting Ifrit into battle. The winds chill and the area around them begins to freeze. Multiple ice nymphs rise up into the air to deliver a chilling Blizzard while Shiva herself deals the final blow.

When she seals the Infernian’s death with a kiss, the Glacian floats away and lets the former Astral disintegrate into dust. And when the battle ends, she whispers to Noctis to restore light to the world. When her voice fades away, Noctis receives the Infernian shard after defeating the fire astral Ifrit.
This game sucked ass any other ff shits on this trash
Same goes for ya too
Your a joke
Any FF shits om this game? How old are you dude, go and actually play every FF game first then tell me how much it shits on FFXV, il admit it wasn’t the best but it was far from the worst