FIFA 21 - How to Do La Croqueta

A guide on how to do a La Croqueta in FIFA 21, including basic information on the type of technique, best situations to use it, and useful tips.

FIFA 21 - How to Do La Croqueta

How to Do La Croqueta

The La Croqueta is a slick move that allows you to avoid intercepting opponents as you approach the post. The La Croqueta can only be performed by players with a four-star skill move rating.


To perform a La Croqueta, press and hold the L1 button while tilting the right analog stick sideways of where your player is facing. If done correctly, your player will shift the ball sideways to the other foot to avoid opponents trying to force their way into possession of the ball against you.

Game Controls

Tips for La Croqueta

  • The La Croqueta is most useful inside the penalty box as it allows you to quickly evade tackling defenders who move too predictably on your approach. This grants you better chances of lining up a clear shot if you practice the timing of shifting the ball to the other foot.
  • The La Croqueta is also a good all-around technique to use, whether on the midfield or the wing. You can also mix it up with other moves like the heel-to-heel flick or drag back to add more variety to your attack.

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