Nintendo Switch Sports - CPU Difficulty Rank Guide

Overview and guide of different CPU Rank Difficulties in Nintendo Switch Sports, including an explanation of each difficulty tier in the game.

Nintendo Switch Sports - CPU Difficulty Rank Guide

CPU Rank Difficulty Guide in Nintendo Switch Sports

Below is a breakdown of each CPU difficulty mode in Nintendo Switch Sports across all playable sports.

All Playable Sports

Normal Difficulty (for Beginners)

Motion Controls

  • In terms of motion controls, there is flexibility and leeway. Imprecise motions are accepted and forgiven by the game even if they are little late or early.


  • In terms of sportsmates, they perform normally and are still fairly easy to beat.

Strong Difficulty (for Casual Players)

Motion Controls

  • In terms of motion controls, there is less flexibility and leeway. Imprecise motions are less forgiven.


  • In terms of sportsmates, they perform better and smarter. However, they can still be beaten.

Powerhouse Difficulty (for Experienced Players)

Motion Controls

  • In terms of motion controls, there is no flexibility and leeway. Imprecise motions are not forgiven.


  • In terms of sportsmates, they are the hardest CPUs to beat and are not suitable for beginners or players who have already cleared a few rounds of Strong Difficulty matches.

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