Return to the Guest House (Finale) [Resident Evil 7/ RE7]

This is a detailed walkthrough for the return to the Guest House and the final encounter in Resident Evil 7.

Guest House (Finale)

When you push the boards aside, you find yourself at the very place where everything started. Welcome back to the Guest House, in the very place you first lost sight of Mia! At this point, there’s only one thing you need to worry about. And that is the final Mr. Everywhere Bobblehead #20 can be found here, among the shelves.

Proceed further into the Guest House until suddenly, you begin seeing Flashbacks. Mia starts to panic as she tries to find a hole in the wall. However, during the Flashback, there are some visible differences. One difference could be the photo on the table. Pick it up and check it out. Note the word “E-001”. Now doesn’t that sound familiar? With that, head up the stairs back into the Guest House.

While  you venture through the Guest House, you’ll see someone else lurking in the house.


You’ll witness more flashbacks from a new perspective. Each hallucination reveals different times that Mia turned against you.

You find out that Mia never wanted to hurt you. It was Eveline acting her will on her. Soon, Ethan starts to experience what Mia called Eveline “clawing her way” into his mind. Keep moving up the stairs until you reach the attic. There, you’ll find the one person who could terrify even a grown ex-Marine: Eveline.

Eveline Boss Fight

Main article: Eveline Boss Fight

The thing about Eveline is that she has many phases. If you’ve seen her, she has a reminiscent appearance similar to Stephen King’s Carrie. After all, she’s a little girl with psychic powers and can turn people into blood-thirsty monsters with a snap of her fingers. The first thing you have to do however is get close to use the Necrotoxin. She’ll have a variety of attacks including psychic blasts.

However, even after the Necrotoxin, she’ll come back. And you’ll have to bring her down in one final showdown. Once you you bring her down, you would have finished the game.

With that, congratulations! You survived and didn’t die! Not only do you get bragging rights for finishing Resident Evil 7 but you also unlock a variety of things. One of those things is the Madhouse Difficulty, a harder mode. Another is the modified Albert-01R Handgun. And if you’ve completed the game on Normal, you’ll also gain an item known as The Secrets of Defense. Once equipped this reduces damage that was successfully guarded against.

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  1. Привет всем хочу поделиться новым фильмом –

    Вот его короткое описание, кому не интересно простите 🙂

    Когда много лет назад Доминик Торрето создавал особую команду, состоящую из отчаянных гонщиков, которых невозможно было заставить испугаться и отступить от поставленной цели, он никак не предполагал, сколько испытаний придется пережить ему самому и его соратникам. За прошедшие годы группа Торрето не раз оказывалась в тяжелейшем положении, кого-то из друзей гонщики потеряли безвозвратно, тем не менее, они никогда не утрачивали своей подлинной сплоченности и готовности поспешить на выручку каждому из членов команды, чего бы это ни стоило.