All Video Tape Locations [Resident Evil 7/ RE7]

This page contains all obtainable video tapes in Resident Evil 7, including a short description of the footage, and where to obtain them.

A series of video tapes can be obtained throughout the course of the main storyline of Resident Evil 7. These allow the player to play through short side-missions that delve deeper into the backstory of certain characters involved in the events at the Dulvey Haunted House.

Video Tape Locations

Below are all the video tapes that can be obtained and played in Resident Evil 7, including a short description of the recorded footage, and where to obtain them.

Video Tape # 1 – Derelict House Footage (Sewer Gators)

The first video tape shows footage of Andre Strickland and Clancy Javis’ coverage of the Dulvey Haunted House for the documentary series Sewer Gators. The tape is found on the 2F of the Guest House Save Room. It is found on the drawer by the right of the save point.

Video Tape # 2 – Mia

The second video tape is a self-recorded footage of Mia as she gives a message to Ethan after their first encounter in the Dulvey Haunted House. It follows her attempts to escape from Marguerite in the Old House. The tape is found in 2F of the Main House in the Recreation Room. It is on the bar to left of the TV next to the VCR.

Video Tape # 3 – Happy Birthday

The third video tape contains footage of Lucas enacting a very disturbing birthday party somewhere in the Dulvey Haunted House. The tape is found on the 3F of the Main house in the Attic. After you’ve gained access to the Kid’s Room on the 2F, get up on to the attic . The tape is in the cupboard.

Video Tape # 4 – Old Videotape

The fourth video tape contains footage of a man named Alan who is falling seriously ill with a ‘strange’ infection as he talks to Mia. The tape is found in the Security Room of the 3F of the Wrecked Ship. Obtaining it is part of the main story.


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