FIFA 21 - Useful Techniques

A list of all useful technique pages in FIFA 21, including technique name and details. Click on a link to go to its page

FIFA 21 - Useful Techniques

Useful Techniques in FIFA 21

Below is a list of all useful techniques.

Low Cross
Guide on how to do the low cross in FIFA 21, including steps on how to perform the driven pass.
One Two Pass

A guide on how to do a one two pass in FIFA 21, including basic information on the type of pass and best situations to use it.

Floated Cross

Guide on how to do the floated cross in FIFA 21, including steps on how to adjust the intensity.

Bicycle Kick

Guide on how to do the bicycle kick in FIFA 21, including steps on how to perform the set up.

Finesse Shots


A guide on how to do a finesse shot in FIFA 21, including basic information on the type of shot, best situations to use it, and useful tips.

Heel to Heel Flick

A guide on how to do a heel to heel flick in FIFA 21, including basic information on the type of maneuver, best situations to use it, and useful tips.

Chip Shots

A guide on how to do a chip shot in FIFA 21, including basic information on the type of shot, best situations to use it, and useful tips.

Flair Shots

A guide on how to do a flair shot in FIFA 21, including basic information on the type of shot, best situations to use it, and useful tips.

Low Driven Shots

A guide on how to do a low driven shot in FIFA 21, including basic information on the type of shot, best situations to use it, and useful tips.

Fake Shots

A guide on how to do a fake shot in FIFA 21, including basic information on the type of shot, best situations to use it, and useful tips.

Drag Backs

A guide on how to do a drag back in FIFA 21, including basic information on the type of maneuver, best situations to use it, and useful tips.
Threaded Through Passes

A guide on how to do a threaded through pass (threaded through ball) in FIFA 21, including basic information on the type of maneuver, best situations to use it, and useful tips.

Lobbed Through Passes

A guide on how to do a lobbed through pass in FIFA 21, including basic information on the type of pass, best situations to use it, and useful tips.

Rainbow Kick

Guide on how to do the rainbow flick in FIFA 21, including steps on performing the variations.

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