Sonic Frontiers - Game Controls

Game controls for Sonic Frontiers on different platforms Listed in this guide are the basic and action controls that are used in the game.

Sonic Frontiers - Game Controls

All Game Controls in Sonic Frontiers

Below are the game controls in Sonic Frontiers for the PC version and Xbox version.


Action Input
Move Character Left Thumbstick
Move Camera Right Thumbstick
Side Step, Parry, Dodge LB, RB
Jump / Double Jump A
Attack X
Cycloop Y
Boost RT
Sonic Boom LT
Light Dash Down + Left Thumbstick
Crouch, Slide, Stomp Attack B
Cyber-space Down DPad
Lock on Down + Thumbstick
Map View Button
Pause/Menu Menu Button
Tips & Training Left Directional Pad
Stop slot-machine Up Directional Pad


Action Input
Move Character W, A, S, D
Side Step Q and E
Jump Space
Attack Left Mouse Button
Cycloop Right Mouse Button
Boost Shift
Sonic Boom F
Light Dash Z
Stomp Attack Ctrl
Cyber-space H
Lock on C
Map M
Pause/Menu P
Tips & Training G
Stop slot-machine Y

Nintendo Switch

Action Input
Move Character Left Analog stick
Move Camera Right Analog stick
Side Step, Parry, Dodge L / R
Jump / Double Jump B
Attack A
Cycloop Y
Boost ZR
Wall Run Move + ZR
Light Dash Press L Analog stick
Crouch, Slide, Stomp Attack A
Cyber-space Down DPad
Lock on Press R Analog stick
Pause/Menu Menu Button
Tips & Training Left Directional Pad
Stop slot-machine Up Directional Pad

PS4 and PS5

Action Input
Move Character Left Thumbstick
Move Camera Right Thumbstick
Side Step, Parry, Dodge R1 L1
Jump / Double Jump X
Attack □ Button
Cycloop △ Button
Boost R2
Sonic Boom LT
Light Dash Down + Left Thumbstick
Crouch, Slide, Stomp Attack ○ Button
Cyber-space Down DPad
Lock on Down + Thumbstick
Map View Button
Pause/Menu ?
Tips & Training Left Directional Pad
Stop slot-machine Up Directional Pad

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