Diablo Immortal - Wizard Weapon List and Effects

List of obtainable Wizard weapons in Diablo Immortal, including their effects when used in battle. Weapons are listed by rarity in the game.

Diablo Immortal - Wizard Weapon List and Effects

All Wizard Weapons and their Effects in Diablo Immortal

Below is a list of obtainable weapons for the Wizard class in Diablo Immortal, including their effects in the game. Wizard weapons are considered Primary Equipment and are listed by rarity.

For a list of all obtainable weapons in Diablo Immortal, check our Weapon List page:

All Weapon List and Effects

Legendary Wizard Weapons

Below are Legendary weapons for the Wizard class:

Main Hand Legendary Weapons for Wizard class

Weapon Weapon Effect
  • Arcane Wind: Arcane Wind now summons a Tornado that damages enemies in a line. Also increases maximum Arcane Wind charges by 1.
  • Electrocute: Electrocute leaps to 3 additional enemies.
Entropic Edge
  • Disintegrate: Disintegrate damage increased by 10%.
Force of Harakas
  • Magic Missile: Magic Missile damage increased by 20%.
Negation Blade
  • Black Hole: Black Hole also absorbs nearby enemy projectiles.
Syldra’s Fang
  • Arcane Wind: Arcane Wind can no longer be charged up, and now unleashes an icy wind, damaging and chilling enemies.
Thunderbird’s Bite
  • Lightning Nova: Lightning Nova damage increased by 10%.
  • Arcane Wind: Arcane Wind now summons a Tornado that follows enemies and continually damages all enemies in its path.

Off Hand Legendary Weapons for Wizard class

Weapon Weapon Effect
Azakalor’s Fire
  • Scorch: Scorch damage increased by 10%.
Devouring Void
  • Black Hole: Black Hole moves forward a short distance, pulling in and damaging enemies as it travels.
Heart of the Storm
  • Ice Armor: Ice Armor becomes Storm Armor, continually damaging nearby enemies.
Icon of Synchronicity
  • Ice Armor: Ice Armor now also grants damage absorption to your nearby allies.
The Siphon
  • Lightning Nova: Casting Lightning Nova temporarily increases your movement speed by 60%.
Unrepentant Gale
  • Arcane Wind: Maximum Arcane Wind charges increased by 1.
Winter’s Eye
  • Ice Armor: Ice Armor no longer absorbs damage, instead conjuring an ice storm around you that continually damages and Chills nearby enemies.

Rare Wizard Weapons

Below are Rare weapons for the Wizard class:

Rare Weapon List and Effects

Magic Wizard Weapons

Below are Magic weapons for the Wizard class:

Magic Weapon List and Effects

Normal Wizard Weapons

Below are Normal weapons for the Wizard class:

Normal Weapon List and Effects

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