Ethan Winters Character Profile [Resident Evil 7/ RE7]

This page contains a detailed character profile of Ethan Winters in Resident Evil 7.

Ethan Winters

Ethan Winters


Ethan Winters, an ordinary civilian, lived a normal life with his wife Mia. However, his wife accepted a babysitting job in the year 2014 when she allegedly died. However, Ethan finds out that his wife is still alive and sent him a message in 2017. There, the whole trip to the Dulvey Haunted House started. The same place where the Baker family disappeared around the same time Mia did.

Current Events

WARNING: Spoilers ahead!

The game starts with Ethan heading towards Dulvey, Louissiana and him talking on the phone with a friend. His friend tries to convince him that Mia died long time ago. However, Ethan insists on making his way to Dulvey, Louissianna to at  least find out what happened to his wife.

He first attempts to enter the mansion to reach his wife. However, the gates are locked. Thus, Ethan makes his way to the to the guest house. There, he finds his wife in a prison cell and tries to get her out. However, Mia suddenly gets hit with blood-lust and hysteria in an attempt to attack Ethan. He manages to fend her off before getting knocked in the head.

Running Around To Survive

When he wakes up, he finds himself in the Main House eating with the Baker family. Four people: Jack Baker, Marguerite Baker, Lucas Baker, and Grandma Baker are sitting with him. While sitting in the chair, Jack tries to force-feed Ethan until Marguerite flies into hysteria. There, Ethan uses her hysteric episode to make an escape.

He escapes and heads into the Main House with Jack on his tail. Ethan escapes through the halls with shifting puzzles and secret doors before noticing the Molded running around. While he running around, he encounters Jack a few times before finally getting to the Old House. When he gets there, he also encounters an angry Marguerite and Lucas each having abilities of their own.

However, Ethan soon comes across a character named Evie. As he goes deeper, he soon finds a VHS telling the story of what happened to Mia and someone named Eveline. At some point, Ethan Winters finds himself talking to Jack Baker and Zoe Baker about Eveline and how everything went wrong.

Final Battle

When he wakes up from his dream-like state, he intends to deliver Jack’s will: to set his family free. And to do that, he needs to kill Eveline. He returns to the Guest House and experiences hallucinations where this time, Eveline reveals herself. Revealing to her the serum, Eveline lashes out and attacks Ethan. After he defeats her, Umbrella arrives on the scene and carries him off.


Ethan Winters is a caring man when it comes to his wife. When he first received the message from her, he immediately went out looking for her. He never gave up on her even after knowing that she had supposedly been dead for the last three years. He also appears to be a calm man. Despite encountering the Bakers, he manages to fire the gun with a certain level of proficiency.

Despite being able to keep his calm, he is evidently fearful when he makes his way to the Dulvey House and tries to make a phone call. He also shows a sense of humor and sarcastic wit especially when he reacts to picking up certain objects.


Upon entering the house, Ethan gains a new set of abilities. He gets infected and thus is able to reattach his limbs even after Jack Baker hacks it off using a shovel. He also seems to have some basic chemical knowledge and proficiency to handle a weapon. When Ethan comes across chemicals, he mixes it up to make new materials which can help him survive.

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