Soul Hackers 2 - Commander Skills List

Commander Skills list for Soul Hackers 2, including each skill's effects, turn limit, and the required COMP modifications for Ringo to unlock them.

Soul Hackers 2 - Commander Skills List

Commander Skills List for Soul Hackers 2

Soul Hackers 2 - Commander Skills

Below is a list of all Commander Skills in Soul Hackers 2, including each skill’s effects, turn limit, and the required COMP modifications for Ringo to unlock them.

COMP Modification

To modify Ringo’s COMP, talk to Tara (COMPsmith) in Mansei Realm. Note that you will need to have the required upgrade materials to apply the modification on your COMP.

COMP Upgrades List

List of Commander Skills

Commander Skill Effects Turn Limit COMP Mod Requirements
Stack Optimization Increases the stack gained by 1 when each ally deals HP damage on the turn used. 6/6
COMP Art 1/1

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