Soul Hackers 2 - Game Difficulty

Game difficulty guide for Soul Hackers 2, including details on all difficulty modes (Easy, Normal, Hard, and Very Hard) and the best setting to choose at the start of the game.

Soul Hackers 2 - Game Difficulty

Game Difficulty Guide for Soul Hackers 2

Soul Hackers 2 - Extra Difficulty DLC

Soul Hackers 2 features four types of difficulty modes that drastically affect combat against various enemies encountered during the game’s main story. Below is a summary of all available difficulty modes you can choose when beginning your playthrough.

Difficulty Modes

Difficulty Mode Details Availability
Easy The game’s easiest difficulty setting and is recommended for those who simply wish to enjoy the game’s story. This mode allows you to continue the game as many times as you like without the use of items if you get wiped out by the enemy. Unlocked at the start of the game.
Normal The game’s standard difficulty setting and is recommended for those with decent experience in RPGs. This mode allows you to continue the game by using items if you get wiped out by the enemy. Unlocked at the start of the game.
Hard Challenging difficulty setting recommended for those looking for a challenge. This mode does not allow you to continue the game by using items if you get wiped out by the enemy. Unlocked at the start of the game.
Very Hard The game’s most challenging difficulty setting and is recommended for those seeking the ultimate challenge. This mode does not allow you to continue the game by using items if you get wiped out by the enemy. Unlocked after downloading the free Very Hard Mode DLC (August 26th, 2022).

Which Difficulty Should You Choose at the Start?

It is generally recommended to start the game on Normal difficulty as this allows you to get a feel for the game’s default setting during combat. Afterwards, simply adjust the difficulty if you are finding encounters too easy or too challenging under the Gameplay settings of the main menu.

Can You Change Game Difficulty?

Can be changed afterwards.

Difficulty level can be changed at any point during your playthrough after confirming it at the start of the game. Because of this, feel free to choose any difficulty setting that suits your preferences and experience with turn-based RPGs.

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