Soul Hackers 2 - Permanent Events

Permanent events, unchangeable choices, missable features, and points-of-no-return in Soul Hackers 2.

Soul Hackers 2 - Permanent Events

Permanent Events in Soul Hackers 2

Below is a list of all permanent events, unchangeable choices, missable features, and points-of-no-return in Soul Hackers 2. Be sure to know these before starting a new game to avoid making major mistakes or missing out on special events, obtainable demons, and useful equipment during the main story.

Soul Level Dialogue Choices

Soul Hackers 2 - Soul Level Dialogue Choices

Dialogue choices you make during the main story and the Soul Level gained for specific characters is permanent. Since the type of responses you lock in during each story conversation will only increase Soul Level for one character, your relationship with all characters will likely grow at varying speeds.

Soul Level Guide

If you want to raise the Soul Level of other characters, try spending time with them during Hangout Events and Personal Events instead.

Demon Fusions

Soul Hackers 2 - Demon Fusions

Demon fusions cannot be undone. This means that you will lose any demons merged to create new ones in the game. Be sure to save your game before attempting demon fusions to have a back-up if you make a mistake.


Soul Hackers 2 - Cyber Aion

Before the final battle at 24th Ward Municipal Towers, you will be confronted by Aion and asked a series of questions. Your answers here will determine the type of ending you will get and cannot be undone afterwards.

Ending Guide

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