Soul Hackers 2 - Soul Level Guide

Soul Level guide for Soul Hackers 2, including the methods and ways to increase Soul Level fast, how to unlock Summoner Skills, and other useful tips.

Soul Hackers 2 - Soul Level Guide

Soul Level Guide for Soul Hackers 2

What is Soul Level?

Soul Level is a numerical stat in Soul Hackers 2 that indicates the bond level between your allies. Increasing the Soul Level allows you to unlock special abilities called Summoner Skills at the Soul Matrix as well as making new areas accessible in the Soul Matrix dungeons.

Soul Level is indicated at the upper right corner of the screen during Hangout Events and during dialogue choices of the main story.

How to Increase Soul Level

Hangout Events (Bar Heidrun)

Soul Hackers 2 - Social Events

You can increase Soul Level by spending time with your allies during Hangout Events. These are essentially social interactions that occur by visiting Bar Heidrun in Shisando. Try to spend as much time as you can with allies to raise Soul Level quickly in the game.

Dialogue Responses (Main Story)

Soul Hackers 2 - Safe House

Another way to gain Soul Levels is by progressing through the game. Throughout the main story, you will trigger conversations with various characters that may increase Soul Level. The dialogue choice you choose will determine which ally you will gain Soul Levels with based on how they agree with your decisions.

Soul Level Dialogue Choices Guide

Summoner Skills

Reaching specific Soul Levels will let you unlock Summoner Skills. These abilities range from granting passive bonuses such as increased parameters and Sabbath stacks to special moves that require MP to execute in battle. Summoner Skills also level up as you keep raising Soul Level which can eventually be mastered or maxed out.

Summoner Skills List

Acquiring Summoner Skills is done at the Soul Matrix once it becomes available during the beginning stages of the main story.

Soul Matrix Dungeons

Leveling up Soul Level also allows you to gain entry to new areas in the Soul Matrix dungeons. These new maps often feature more powerful demons, particularly Risky Enemies which yield hefty rewards of money and experience when defeated (to be confirmed).

Tips to Increase Soul Level Fast

Coming soon.

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